
Welcome to Lamporecchio!

Hello everyone! Today I want to talk to you about Lamporecchio, an Italian municipality in the province of Pistoia, Tuscany, with a population of approximately 7,361 inhabitants. If you are considering visiting beautiful Tuscany, this small town is definitely worth considering. In this text, I will tell you about the history, geography, and economic resources of this charming place.

Discovering the toponym Lamporecchio

The name "Lamporecchio" was first recorded on January 19, 1057, as "Lamporeclo," while Emanuele Repetti, the Italian geographer and historian, reports its Latin form as "Lamporeclum." According to Silvio Pieri, the name may come from the "Rubus Idaeus," a raspberry plant, with the dissimilation of the second nasal into "r." The geographer Giovan Battista Pellegrini agrees with this theory about the origins of the name Lamporecchio.

Lamporecchio: between history, geography and economic resources.

A brief description of the geography of Lamporecchio

The municipality of Lamporecchio covers an area of 22 km², between the plain of Valdinievole and Montalbano. It is about 18.5 km from the center of the city of Pistoia. The area of the municipality is classified as seismic zone 2 (medium-high seismicity), according to Ordinance PCM 3274 of 20/03/2003. The climate in the area is classified as zone D, with an average of 1705 heating degree days.

A brief history of Lamporecchio

The territory of Lamporecchio has an ancient history, dating back to Roman times. The municipality can be traced back to the 11th-13th century when it was under the rule of the bishops of Pistoia, confirmed by the imperial diplomas of Frederick I, Henry VI, and Otto IV. In 1224, however, the political jurisdiction of the municipality was assigned to the city of Pistoia after lively political disputes. During the wars between the cities of Pistoia, Lucca, and Florence (1306-1328), Lamporecchio was contested by the three cities until Florence decided to annex it definitively to its own district in 1351. The famous poet Francesco Berni was born in the municipality of Lamporecchio, leaving a strong mark on Italian literature in the 16th century.

The economic resources of Lamporecchio

The main economic resource of Lamporecchio has been agriculture for many centuries, thanks to the fertility of the land that allowed the cultivation of olives and vines in the hilly area and flax and hemp in the plain area. In addition to this, the more mountainous part of the territory was used for grazing and for logging in the forests. The peculiarity of the agricultural landscape of the municipality was the vines that grew together with mulberry trees. In the 16th century, the territory was characterized by the presence of two large farms: the Spicchio farm of the Rospigliosi princes and the Carraia farm of the Manni counts. Both farms dissolved from the second half of the 19th century, following inheritance divisions between members of the two families and property sales.


Lamporecchio is a small Tuscan jewel with an ancient history and a distinct cultural identity. If you are in the area, do not miss the opportunity to visit this wonderful municipality in the province of Pistoia, where you can immerse yourself in enchanting natural landscapes and row through the historical and cultural past of the region.

Davide Neri
Wrote by Davide Neri
Updated Saturday, Sep 10, 2022