Laino Borgo

Laino Borgo: a municipality immersed in the Pollino National Park

Hello everyone! Today I will talk to you about Laino Borgo, a small but fascinating municipality in the province of Cosenza, located on the border between Calabria and Basilicata. Laino Borgo has about 1760 inhabitants and is immersed in the beautiful Pollino National Park.

Origins of the name

The name of the municipality derives from the river Lao, which flows nearby. In the past, it was instead known as Laino Bruzio. Did you know that the Lao river takes its name from the ancient Greek city of Laos, which was located in Magna Graecia?

Laino Borgo: a municipality in the Pollino National Park.


The history of Laino Borgo dates back to ancient times: human presence in the territory is attested since the Bronze Age. Over the centuries, the municipality has undergone various dominations, including those of the Romans and the Normans. In its territory there are numerous traces of the past: from the Sanctuary of the Chapels, dating back to the twelfth century, to the Castle of Laino, built by the Normans.


Demographic evolution

Over the years, the population of Laino Borgo has experienced various phases of growth and decline. After the Second World War, in particular, many people left the village to seek work elsewhere. However, in recent years, there has been an increase in the number of residents, also thanks to the influx of tourists interested in visiting the natural beauties of the Pollino Park.


The administration of Laino Borgo is entrusted to a Mayor and a Municipal Council, elected by the inhabitants of the municipality. Currently, the Mayor is Mr. Giovanni Rossi, who leads a board composed of 6 councilors.


If you decide to visit Laino Borgo, you cannot miss the Sanctuary of the Chapels, a place of great devotion for the faithful of the area. Furthermore, you can admire the splendid panorama offered by Mount Pollino, the highest mountain in Calabria.

Related voices

If you want to deepen your knowledge of Laino Borgo, you can read more about the Lao river, the ancient origins of the city of Laos, the Sanctuary of the Chapels, and the Pollino earthquake of 2012.

External links

To learn more about Laino Borgo and its natural and cultural beauties, you can consult the official website of the municipality and the website of the Pollino National Park.

I hope this brief summary has piqued your curiosity and made you want to visit Laino Borgo. Bye!

Paola Santoro
Wrote by Paola Santoro
Updated Friday, Apr 15, 2022