
The 14th century and the Borromeo family

The presence of the Borromeo family in Lainate dates back to the 14th century, when its members settled in the area. In 1480, Galeazzo Maria Sforza donated the territory of Lainate to them and, from that moment on, the family began to build a series of buildings that would lead to the evolution of the town. The first building that the Borromeo family constructed was the Church of Santa Maria degli Angeli, followed by the Castle of Lainate and Villa Borromeo Arese Litta, whose construction was commissioned by Giulio Visconti Borromeo. This villa is one of the main tourist attractions of Lainate, thanks to the presence of its seventeenth-century nymphaeum.

The 19th and 20th century

With the arrival of the 19th century, Lainate underwent significant industrial development, thanks to the construction of the Villoresi Canal, which led to the creation of numerous mechanical and textile industries. This growth led to an increase in population and, consequently, to the need to expand the municipal territory. In the 1980s, the municipality of Lainate underwent a series of urban changes, with the creation of new residential areas and a large public park.

Lainate: history, culture, and traditions in Lombardy.

Culture and traditions

Events and festivals

Despite its small size, Lainate is characterized by the presence of numerous cultural and sports associations. Among the most important events that take place during the year, there is the San Martino Fair, which is held every year in November, and the Carnival of Lainate, which sees the participation of numerous masks from all over Lombardy. Moreover, during the summer period, concerts and outdoor theatrical performances take place in Piazza Risorgimento.


The traditional cuisine of Lainate stands out for the use of simple and genuine ingredients, such as pork and veal meat, rice, tomatoes, and polenta. Typical dishes of Lainate include "Pizzocca alla lainese", a soup made from maize flour and beans, and "Cassoeula", a dish based on cabbage and pork.

Economy and infrastructure


As already mentioned, Lainate has a long industrial tradition, which developed mainly in the second half of the 19th century. Currently, the municipality hosts numerous companies, including many active in the construction and logistics sectors.


Lainate is well connected to the city of Milan thanks to the presence of the railway station, which allows reaching the Lombardy capital in a few minutes. Moreover, the municipality is crossed by numerous bus lines that connect it to the surrounding areas.


In summary, Lainate is a municipality of the metropolitan city of Milan with an ancient and charming history. The presence of important architecture such as the Castle of Lainate and Villa Borromeo Arese Litta, combined with the natural beauty of the Groane Park and the ancient "Bosco dei Guasti", make Lainate an ideal destination for those who want to discover the beauties of Lombardy. Moreover, the culinary tradition of Lainate and the activity of its numerous cultural and sports associations contribute to making this municipality a lively and welcoming place to live and visit.

Elisa Lombardi
Updated Wednesday, Apr 6, 2022