
A town immersed in nature

Laghi is a small municipality located in the charming Val di Ferro, in the province of Vicenza, Veneto. With only 121 inhabitants, it is the smallest municipality in the region. The town is situated in a breathtaking circular basin, on the shores of two small alpine lakes. The surrounding area is characterized by the presence of numerous plateaus and side valleys, including Val dell'Inferno, Val Grama, Val Dritta, and Val Gusella, which takes its name from the main stretch of the valley and hosts Val Scarabozza and Valle di Mogentale.

The peaks of the Vicentine Prealps

The surrounding mountains belong to the Altipiani group and the Campomolon mountain ridge. Among the main peaks are Monte Maggio, Coston dei Laghi, Monte Borcoletta, Cima del Coston, and Monte Maio. There are few flat areas, and the vegetation cover varies from Swiss mountain pine, beech, red fir, and larch.

Lakes: A naturalistic gem among the Venetian Prealps.

A land of suggestive landscapes

The Laghi valley is characterized by its rocky harshness, mountains that vary in shape, the alternation of meadows and woods, and multiple levels of terraces that are rooted in the rock, evidence of ancient labors. The natural environment is unique and fascinating, making Laghi a perfect destination for nature lovers and mountain hikers.

The flora and fauna of Laghi

The town is immersed in a lush and varied nature. The highest area is dominated by Swiss mountain pine, which alternates with beech trees, red fir, and larch. In the valleys, numerous species of animals can be observed, including deer, chamois, marmots, and foxes.

A town with millenary traditions

Laghi is also a town with an important cultural tradition. The community has kept ancient traditions alive by organizing every year the Sagra del Tordo and the procession dedicated to San Rocco, the patron saint of the town.


Laghi is an Italian municipality immersed in nature, characterized by a varied flora and fauna and breathtaking landscapes. The area is ideal for hiking and outdoor activities and offers the opportunity to rediscover ancient cultural traditions. If you love mountains and are looking for a quiet place to relax, Laghi is the perfect destination for you.

Simone Costa
Wrote by Simone Costa
Updated Thursday, Feb 17, 2022