La Valle Agordina

The Agordina Valley: Among the Mountains of Veneto


The Agordina Valley, or ''La Val'' in Ladin, is a municipality of 1056 inhabitants in the Belluno province, Italy. Its geographical position is surrounded by the Missiaga and Bordina streams, and borders the San Sebastiano chain to the northeast, the Lantrago and Moiazza hills to the north, the Cordevole stream to the west and south, the Talvena mountain to the east and the Crostolin hamlet to the west. The valley is a mountainous area that is part of the Agordina mountain union.

The Agordina Valley: between nature, culture, and tradition.

Physical geography


The Agordina Valley is surrounded by mountains, such as Mount Zelo or Celo, which is located to the south of the town, and Mount Talvena, which rises to the east of the Val Clusa. The San Sebastiano chain is to the northeast, while the Moiazza is to the north, beyond the Duran pass. There are also other smaller reliefs such as the Lantrago and Cugnago hills to the northwest, the Valaràz ridge and the Matten hills. The town is located on a flat or slightly sloping plateau.

Mountains visible from the town

From the town of La Valle, one can admire a breathtaking view of the surrounding mountains. To the north, beyond the Missiaga valley, one can see the Moiazza and the Monte Civetta. The Monte Framont is located to the north-northwest of the town, while the Pale di San Lucano and the Agner chain are visible to the northwest. To the south-southeast, one can admire the Piz di Mezzodì, part of the Feruc Group. The Celo Mount is visible to the south, while the Talvena Mount and the San Sebastiano chain are spectacular attractions of the municipality.


The municipality is rich in medium and small-sized watercourses. Among the most important rivers are the Missiaga, Bordina, Rova and Val Clusa.

Culture and history

The Ladin language

The Agordina Valley is a bilingual valley where both Italian and Ladin are spoken. Ladin is an ancient Romance language spoken in the alpine valleys of northern Italy, from Trentino to Veneto, and in some areas of Grisons in Switzerland. Ladin, along with German, is one of the official languages of the autonomous provinces of Trento and Bolzano.

Historical heritage

The Agordina Valley is rich in historical heritage that dates back to prehistoric times. Among the most important monuments are the Moschesin Castle, located in the hamlet of Fades, and the Santa Maria Assunta Church in the town center. The Ladino Ethnographic Museum of Forno di Zoldo is another important attraction that tells the history of the Ladin language and culture.



Agriculture is one of the main economic activities of the Agordina Valley. Local farmers produce potatoes, cereals, beans, flowers and vegetables. Milk and cheese are also high-quality local products.


Tourism is another important source of income for the municipality. The Agordina Valley is an ideal place for nature and hiking enthusiasts. There are many opportunities to go hiking in the valley mountains, go mountain biking, or simply enjoy the scenery. In addition, there are many winter activities such as alpine and cross-country skiing.


The Agordina Valley is a mountain municipality in Veneto with a unique geographical position. Surrounded by mountains, it offers many opportunities for nature and hiking enthusiasts. The Ladin language and the history of the valley are something to discover. Agriculture and tourism are the main economic activities that go hand in hand. With a population of just over a thousand residents, La Valle Agordina is the perfect place for those looking for a quiet life, away from the chaos of the city.

Alessandro Romano
Updated Sunday, Dec 25, 2022