La Morra

La Morra: history and culture

La Morra is a small town in the heart of the Langhe region, in the province of Cuneo. Its history dates back to the early years of the 2nd millennium, when the city of Alba Pompeia began to cultivate and work the surrounding hills, giving rise to the village of Murra. Over the centuries, the town has undergone numerous changes of regime and government, but has always maintained a strong cultural identity.

During the Second World War, the municipality of La Morra actively participated in the partisan Resistance, suffering numerous casualties among its citizens. Today, the town has become an important food and wine center, thanks to the Barolo wine and its economy based on the production of this precious nectar.

Monuments and places of interest in La Morra

One of the most striking monuments in La Morra is the bell tower, built in 1710 with the remains of the castle demolished in 1544. Near the tower is the bronze monument to the Vignaiolo d'Italia, which represents one of the symbols of the town. Unfortunately, the monument was stolen in December 2018 during the renovation of the square in front of it.

The Church of San Martino is another place of great interest, built in 1699 by the architect Michelangelo Garove. Inside the church, you can admire the valuable altarpiece, representing the Madonna and Child with St. Martin and St. Crispin, created by the painter Giancarlo Aliberti in 1715.

The church of the Brotherhood of St. Rocco, instead, was built in 1749 and features a valuable altarpiece created by an anonymous painter from Mondovì. The frescoed dome by Pietro Paolo Operti is another element of great beauty.

The Town Hall, with its façade from 1765, closes the little square with the horse chestnut. On the south side of the town, the medieval bastions and walls are still visible, while the Falletti-Cordero Palace is located in Via XX Settembre.

La Morra: history, monuments, and culture.

La Morra today

Today, La Morra has become an important tourist center, especially for the renowned Barolo wine. In recent decades, food and wine tourism has increased significantly and the municipality has adapted to the needs of visitors, offering quality accommodations and activities.

Since 2004, La Morra has been twinned with the German city of Sulzburg in Baden-Württemberg, consolidating the links between the two communities and promoting cultural exchange.

Furthermore, the municipality organizes numerous events every year, including the famous Barolo Fair, one of the most important dates for food and wine enthusiasts.

La Morra represents a jewel set among the hills of Langhe, a place where history and culture merge in a unique harmony. Visiting this splendid municipality still means immersing oneself in a millenary tradition and discovering the unique flavors of an inimitable territory.

Irene Mariani
Wrote by Irene Mariani
Updated Tuesday, Jan 10, 2023