
Izano: Introduction to the Municipality

Hello everyone! Today I want to talk to you about Izano, an Italian municipality in Lombardy, in the province of Cremona. Izano has a population of approximately 1940 inhabitants and is located in a completely flat area. The territory is crossed by several watercourses, including the Roggia Pallavicina, the Roggia Babbiona, the Roggia Lisso, and the Roggia Abbadia, and there are some springs, such as the "Fontanone," near Izano.

Climate Characteristics

Let's start with the climate characteristics of Izano. The average temperature in January is around 1°C, while that of July is around 24.5°C. The climate is of a temperate continental type, with more frequent rainfall in autumn and spring. Additionally, in winter, there is less rain and it tends to be drier than in summer. Therefore, if you plan on visiting Izano, consider the time of the year to go!

Izano: a historic municipality in Lombardy.

Municipality History

But let's get to the history of Izano. The municipality is an ancient village, and its existence dates back to even medieval times. Under the name of "Giosano," the existence of Izano is already attested at the end of the 10th century, and later as "Zosano." In the 12th century, the municipality is mentioned as the property of the monastery of San Benedetto di Crema, although it is not recognized as a religious authority. Its proximity to the city of Crema has determined its destiny, although other cities have had an important role in its history.

The "Giosani" family, originally from Izano, has also played an important role in the history of the municipality. A member of the family, Gerardo da Iosano, held the highest political positions in the municipal life at the end of the 13th century, becoming podestà and captain of the people in several cities in northern and central Italy. During the period in which the area was part of the Venetian domains, Izano relied on an independent bishopric jurisdiction, dominated by the directives of the Serenissima. It was during this period, from the 17th century to the 18th century, that Izano underwent a phase of political and economic consolidation, during which numerous villas were built that still adorn the town.

Culture and Traditions

Izano has several cultural and traditional events that take place throughout the year. One of these is the patron saint festival of San Giacomo, held on July 25. During the festival, there is a procession in which the statue of the saint and the crests of the noble families of the town are carried, followed by a concert and a communal lunch.

Furthermore, Izano is famous for its production of Grana Padano cheese, and it also houses the Izano Social Dairy, a cooperative of local milk producers.


In summary, Izano is a municipality in the province of Cremona with a long history, located in a completely flat area and characterized by a temperate continental climate. Its territory is crossed by several watercourses, and there are some interesting springs to visit. The municipality has many villas dating back to the 17th and 18th centuries and produces Grana Padano cheese. If you plan on visiting Izano, don't miss the patron saint festival of San Giacomo on July 25!

Erica Ferrari
Wrote by Erica Ferrari
Updated Tuesday, Apr 12, 2022