
Welcome to Ospedaletto, a hamlet of Istrana!

Ospedaletto is located in the province of Treviso, at the southwest extremity of Istrana, bordering Cavasagra di Vedelago. The territory is characterized by the presence of the Sile river which forms numerous branches, as well as wetlands and springs protected by the regional natural park of the River Sile. If you want to learn more about our hamlet, keep reading!

The history of Ospedaletto

The first written reference to Ospedaletto dates back to 997. The toponym refers to the presence of a hospice for travelers managed by the Benedictines of the Abbey of San Benedetto in Polirone, attested since the 11th century. In 1314, "Hospitali de Cavasagra" represented a rural commune and chapel dependent on the Istrana head parish.

Ospedaletto di Istrana: nature and history in the province of Treviso.

Church of the Purification of Mary

The parish church of Ospedaletto, dedicated to the Purification of Mary, was attached to the hospital-monastery. It depended on the church of San Cipriano in Murano (Venice) and then passed in commendation to the Patriarch of Venice from 1587 to 1944, although it always remained dependent on the Diocese of Treviso. The current building of the church dates back to the 18th century when it was rebuilt on the initiative of the then-pastor Don Giovanni Piccoli thanks to the testamentary bequest of the Venetian patrician and local landowner Domenico Querini. It was subsequently expanded in 1900 with the construction of two side aisles. Among the works that adorn it, the fresco on the ceiling stands out, a "Purification" attributed to Giambattista Tiepolo. The church also boasts a painting by Filippo de Blancey and a precious apparatus for the Forty hours plated in gold.


If you are looking for a peaceful hamlet immersed in nature, Ospedaletto could be the place for you. Additionally, the Church of the Purification of Mary represents a true work of art that deserves at least one visit. We are proud of our history and territory, and we will be happy to welcome you here in Ospedaletto.

Matteo Ferrari
Updated Tuesday, Mar 1, 2022