Isola Dovarese

Isola Dovarese: a city on the Oglio River floodplain

If you're looking for a picturesque small town in northeastern Lombardy, Isola Dovarese might be the perfect destination for you. With a population of just over 1000, Isola Dovarese is located in the province of Cremona and its position on the Oglio River floodplain makes it an ideal destination for nature and history lovers.

Physical geography

Dovarese Island: history, nature, and culture on the Oglio floodplain.


Isola Dovarese is located on a small droplet-shaped terrace, protruding into the Oglio River floodplain. This privileged location makes it particularly protected from frequent floods, as well as having breathtaking views of the surrounding countryside.


The climate of the area is quite mild, with average temperatures of about 17 degrees Celsius. Rainfall is abundant, but the city's proximity to the river makes the climate pleasantly cool and breezy.


Isola Dovarese has a long history dating back to the Neolithic age. Thanks to its favorable location, the city was an important crossing point across the Oglio River and a support point for boats connecting the Po and the Adriatic Sea from the west.

During the high medieval period, Isola Dovarese was the river ford, with the road here crossing the river arriving from Cremona and heading towards Asola and Lake Garda. At the end of the 14th century, Isola was composed of a fortress and a village that rose near a church.

In 1322, Anna Dovara married Filippino Gonzaga, son of Ludovico I Gonzaga better known as Luigi, first captain of the people of Mantua. In 1405, the fortress was destroyed during a battle by Cabrino Fondulo's troops. In 1414, the pact with the Mantuan lordship was definitively sealed, thus becoming a territorial enclave surrounded to the south and west by the lordship of Milan and to the north by the Republic of Venice.

The city was also the site of several religious institutions, including the San Bernardino convent (Isola Dovarese), erected by the Dovara in 1476, where "the Gonzaga family could be hosted." In 1587 and 1590, the new square was built by order of Giulio Cesare Gonzaga from Bozzolo. With the arrival of Maria Teresa of Austria and then Napoleon Bonaparte, the city underwent the upheavals of history until 1860, when, following the unification of the Kingdom of Italy, it became a municipality of the province of Cremona.


The emblem of Isola Dovarese is composed of a shield cut in the first field, azure with a golden lozenge; in the second field, sable and argent banded. The external ornaments are from the Commune.

Monuments and places of interest

Isola Dovarese has many monuments and places of historical interest, including the Ponte dei Tre Martiri della Resistenza (Ponte Vecchio), Piazza Matteotti with its arcades and schools, the Oratorio di San Giuseppe del 1668, the Oratorio di San Nicolò (Isola Dovarese), the Church of B.V. del Carmine of 1720, and the riverside walk.


Demographic evolution

The city has a population of just over 1000 inhabitants and its demographic evolution in recent years has been quite stable. Many young families have moved to Isola Dovarese in search of tranquility and a family-friendly environment for their children.



Isola Dovarese has an elementary school, which provides basic education to children in the area. Young students can then continue their education in the region's secondary schools.


The musical band named after Poldino Vecchi has performed concerts throughout the Cremonese and Mantuan province. Music is an important part of Isola Dovarese's culture, and this band is a source of pride for the city.

Overall, Isola Dovarese is a delightful city to live in or visit for a couple of days, especially if you are a lover of history and culture. Its position on the Oglio River floodplain is the perfect place to stroll and enjoy the landscape, while its history and culture offer many things to see and discover.

Erica Ferrari
Wrote by Erica Ferrari
Updated Saturday, Jan 8, 2022