Ischia di Castro

Let's Discover Montalto di Castro Together!

Are you ready to discover one of the most western municipalities in Lazio? If yes, then keep reading because we will be talking about Montalto di Castro, a municipality located on the coastal area of Maremma laziale.

Let's Get to Know the Territory of Montalto di Castro

Montalto di Castro is a municipality of 8740 inhabitants, located 108 meters above sea level, in the province of Viterbo. The municipal territory is bathed by the waters of the Fiora river, where the Arrone and Chiarone torrents also flow, marking the border between Lazio and Tuscany. The climate of Montalto di Castro is classified as zone D, 1497 GR/G.

Montalto di Castro: history, territory and tourist attractions.

The History of Montalto di Castro

The history of Montalto di Castro dates back to the 5th-6th century AD when the castle was founded by refugees from the coastal city of Gravisca, destroyed by pirates. However, other theories claim that the castle was founded in the 8th century AD by Desiderio, the king of the Lombards. The name "Montis Alti" appears for the first time in a bull of Pope Leo IV directed to the bishop of Tuscania, dated 852 AD. According to some historians, the settlement arose where Forum Aurelii was located.

Between the 11th and 12th centuries, Montalto suffered serious destruction, including that of 1109 when Pope Paschal II had the castle destroyed because Stefano dei Corsi had taken refuge there. During the Medieval Age, Montalto became an important port stop and reached its maximum urban expansion in the 14th century. However, the continuous battles, the Avignon Captivity, and the difficult economic situation led the population of the municipality to drop from a thousand to 250 men.

The economic difficulty partially improved in 1421 when Pope Martin V wrote a bull to favor the repopulation of the municipality. Later, the territory of Montalto became indissolubly linked to the agro-pastoral system, transhumance, and seasonal work. Throughout history, Montalto di Castro passed into the hands of various lords, including Pier Luigi Farnese.

What to See in Montalto di Castro

Montalto di Castro boasts a wide range of tourist attractions. One of its emblematic places is the Etruscan city of Vulci, located near the municipality. Vulci is one of the most important Etruscan cities and is famous for its monuments, such as the shields burial and the Francois burial. These monuments offer a glimpse into the daily life of the ancient Etruscans and are a tourist attraction of great interest for those visiting the municipality.

Other tourist attractions include the municipality of Montalto di Castro, with its historic center, castle, and church of San Giovanni Battista. The castle, from which the municipality takes its name, dates back to the 15th century and has recently been restored. The church of San Giovanni Battista, instead, is a medieval church dating back to the 12th century, recently renovated.

Montalto di Castro also boasts some beautiful beaches, such as Marina di Montalto beach and Pescia Romana beach. The first is a sandy beach overlooking the Tyrrhenian Sea and offers a wide range of tourist services. The second, instead, is located near the mouth of the Fiora river and is immersed in nature.


In conclusion, Montalto di Castro is a municipality in Lazio that offers many tourist attractions. Its geographical position, history, beaches, and cultural attractions represent a unique experience for anyone wishing to visit this municipality. Thanks to its cultural wealth, Montalto di Castro is the ideal place to spend a holiday with family or friends.

Andrea Fontana
Updated Sunday, Jan 15, 2023