
Welcome to Irma, the smallest municipality in Brescia!

Hello everyone! Today I'm taking you on a journey to discover Irma, a small municipality located in the high Val Trompia, Lombardy. With only 136 inhabitants, Irma is the second least populous municipality in the province of Brescia, after Magasa.

Physical geography

Irma is located in an alpine area, surrounded by mountains. The gentian flower is the symbol of the municipality, representing its alpine geographical location.

Discover Irma: the smallest and most charming municipality in Val Trompia.


The municipality of Irma was part of the municipality of Bovegno from 1927 to 1955. In 1938, the "Casa dell'Alpino" was inaugurated, an important structure for the mountains.


The coat of arms of the municipality was granted in 1991 and consists of a gentian flower and two stars that represent the main settlements of the municipality. The municipality's flag is a red and green banner.


Demographic evolution

The municipality of Irma has a small community of only 136 inhabitants, but its natural beauty attracts many visitors every year.


The administration of Irma is composed of the mayor and the municipal council, who manage local services and work to maintain the historical and cultural heritage of the municipality.


If you are passionate about mountains and looking for a peaceful place to spend a few days, Irma is the perfect place for you!

Other projects

On our website, you can find more useful information about the municipality of Irma and its history.

External links

If you want to learn more about the municipality of Irma, you can visit the official website of the municipality or contact us. We are always happy to talk about our beautiful area!

Chiara Russo
Wrote by Chiara Russo
Updated Wednesday, Jun 8, 2022