
Exploring the world of "Selva"

Hello everyone! Today I want to talk to you about a word that may not be commonly used in everyday life, but is very interesting: "selva". This term is synonymous with forest or woods and can be used in various contexts.


"Selva" is also the name of several municipalities and hamlets in Italy and Spain. In Italy, for example, there are Selva dei Molini and Selva di Val Gardena, located in the province of Bolzano. There are also other hamlets with this name, such as Selva (Imola) in the province of Bologna and Selva (Sant'Angelo Romano) in the province of Rome. Not only that, but there is also Lake Selva in the province of Frosinone. In Spain, there is the municipality of Selva in the Balearic Islands and the Selva region in Catalonia.

The variety of meanings of the word selva.


The word "selva" is not only related to geography: it can also be the surname of many famous people. For example, there are politician Alberto Selva and footballer Andy Selva from San Marino, architect Giannantonio Selva, journalist Gustavo Selva, and writer Gino Selva. There are also artists like bass Antonio Selva and sculptor Attilio Selva.


You may be surprised to know that "selva" is also a genus of nudibranch mollusks! It is part of the Trinchesiidae family. I never imagined there was a connection between this word and zoology!


The word "selva" became very popular in the 19th century thanks to music. It was the adaptation of a literary source to the music scene, and poets often used this term for the libretto of their works. "Selva" is also the name of a female character in the film "Ma non per sempre" and a variant of the female name Silvia. Finally, "La Selva" is the title of an album by Francisco López and "Contrada della Selva" is one of the Contrade of Siena in the city of Siena.

In summary, "selva" is a very versatile word and can be used in many contexts. It can be the name of a municipality or hamlet, the surname of a person, or the name of a genus of nudibranch mollusks! We will always learn more thanks to the wonderful diversity of language!

Marco Damico
Wrote by Marco Damico
Updated Tuesday, Oct 11, 2022