
Welcome to Lake Idro: the glacial gem of Val Sabbia

Located on the border between the province of Brescia and Trentino-Alto Adige, Lake Idro or Eridio (as it is called in Lombard language) is a glacial gem boasting a surface area of ​​10.9 km² and a maximum depth of 122 meters. Its waters come from the river Chiese, which also acts as its emissary.

The history of the lake

The origins of the lake are ancient, and it is thought that the Ligurians were the first inhabitants of the area. Over the centuries, the territory of Val Sabbia and Lake Idro were occupied by different populations and were also evangelized in the 6th and 7th centuries. In the 15th century, the Republic of Venice built the Rocca d'Anfo, a fortified military complex that dominates the entire lake.

Lake Idro is one of the first Italian natural lakes to be regulated by an artificial dam, which was built in the 1920s and is managed on concession by the Lago d'Idro Society (SLI). However, since 1987, the lake has been the subject of a confrontation between the competent authorities, the coastal populations, Enel (which derives water for the hydroelectric plant in Vobarno), and the farmers of the plain for irrigation.

Lake Idro: the glacial treasure of Val Sabbia.

The lake's fauna

Lake Idro is an ideal place for fishing enthusiasts, thanks to the presence of Esox lucius, Perch, Eel, and Alburnus arborella. On its shores, moreover, many aquatic and migratory birds can be found, such as the Great Crested Grebe, Coot, Mallards, Gulls, and many others.

Inflows and outflows

The main inflow of Lake Idro is the Chiese River, whose sources are fed by the Adamello Group. The only way out of the lake is through the Chiese River, which exits the lake in the municipality of Idro in the province of Brescia. Another important inflow of the lake is the Re di Anfo stream, entirely included in the territory of the municipality of Anfo in the province of Brescia.

The lake's waters

Lake Idro is an ideal destination for those seeking a place to swim and relax in the open air. However, its waters are a cause for concern due to the severity of eutrophication phenomena, caused by the lack of a sewer system and the intensive use of water by the Carpeneda hydroelectric plant and irrigation.

In any case, Lake Idro remains one of the pearls of Val Sabbia, an ideal place for nature lovers who want to spend a day in the open air, surrounded by the beauty of the mountains and the freshness of glacial waters. Come discover this hidden treasure of Lombardy and Trentino-Alto Adige!

Chiara Russo
Wrote by Chiara Russo
Updated Saturday, Dec 3, 2022