
Discovering Guardistallo, a small municipality in Tuscany

If you want to discover a beautiful town in Tuscany, we present you a small location that could be perfect for you: Guardistallo. With a population of about 1,145 inhabitants, this municipality is located in the province of Pisa, within the Maremma Pisana.

Geographical location of Guardistallo

Guardistallo is nestled in the beautiful Val di Cecina, an area of great natural interest, characterized by green hills and countryside, where the main crops are cereals and grapes. In addition, Guardistallo is classified as a seismic zone 2 with a medium-high seismicity and has a climatic classification of zone D, with a very high atmospheric diffusivity.

Discover Guardistallo: history, art and nature in a town in Tuscany.

The history of Guardistallo

Guardistallo has a very ancient history, dating back to the neolithic period, as shown by the tombs found in the territory during the first twenty years of the twentieth century. Axes, copper daggers, and arrowheads were found and now they are preserved at the Guarnacci Museum in Volterra.

During the Middle Ages, Guardistallo was influenced by the aristocratic family of Della Gherardesca, who also controlled Bibbona, Riparbella, Casale Marittimo, and Montescudaio on behalf of the Pisan Republic. In 1406, with the fall of the Republic of Pisa, Guardistallo also came under the Florentine domain and swore allegiance to Florence.

In 1648, Grand Duke Ferdinando II de' Medici granted Guardistallo and Casale Marittimo to the Florentine nobleman Ferdinando Ridolfi, who inaugurated the ancient feud of Montescudaio, becoming a marquisate. In 1739, the Grand Duke of Tuscany Francesco I di Lorena assigned the territory of Guardistallo to the Marquis Carlo Ginori, thus incorporating the Cecina region, Riparbella, Casale Marittimo, and Bibbona in the Marchesato di Riparbella.

During World War II, Guardistallo fell victim to the German massacre of June 29, 1944, which claimed the lives of 63 people.

Finally, in 2021, the coat of arms and flag of the municipality were granted by decree of the President of the Republic.

What to visit in Guardistallo

The parish church of San Giorgio, a neoclassical building with a half-moon choir, is worth a visit. This church was built in 1846 and was consecrated on May 5, 1855.

For lovers of sacred art, it is worth visiting the chapel of the Madonna delle Grazie, located to the north of the town, dating back to the fifteenth century.

If you enjoy hiking, we recommend visiting the Archaeological Natural Park of the Roman Villa of San Vincenzino, where you can admire remains of an ancient Roman villa with mosaic floors and frescoes. In addition, a nature trail will lead you through the Biogenetic Natural Reserve of Terriccio, a biological reserve that covers about 300 hectares north of Guardistallo.

Moreover, the town hosts several religious festivals such as Sant'Anna (July 26), the patron saint of Guardistallo, and the Fiera di San Luca (the second Sunday of October), which has been celebrated every year since 1615 and offers an opportunity to discover the local food and wine.


Guardistallo is a small town in Tuscany with an ancient and interesting history, a territory rich in natural beauties to discover, and many opportunities to discover the local food and wine and the traditions of this area of the Maremma Pisana. If you are looking for a quiet and charming place to spend a few days of relaxation, Guardistallo could be the right choice for you.

Francesco Serra
Updated Sunday, May 8, 2022