Guardia Lombardi

Discovering Sant'Angelo dei Lombardi

Hello friends, today I'll tell you about Sant'Angelo dei Lombardi, a municipality in the province of Avellino, in Campania. This town has 3842 inhabitants and is a very important place from a historical and cultural point of view.

Physical Geography

Discover Sant'Angelo dei Lombardi: history, monuments, and culture.


Sant'Angelo dei Lombardi is located in a hilly area of Irpinia, about 700 meters above sea level. The municipality extends over an area of 54.50 km² and borders the municipalities of San Sossio Baronia, Bisaccia, Conza della Campania, Lioni, Rocca San Felice and Villamaina.


The climate of Sant'Angelo is classified as zone E, with an average annual temperature of 12.1°C and an average annual precipitation of 929 mm.


Middle Ages and Modern Era

The town, built by the Lombards, became very important during the Angevin rule in the 13th century, thanks to the abbey. Over the centuries, the fiefdom changed hands several times, belonging to the Gianvilla, Caracciolo, and Imperiale families. In 1706, a diocese was established and in the 18th century, the territory was subject to the jurisdiction of the 'royal consulate of commerce' of Ariano Irpino. In the 19th century, the people of Sant'Angelo participated in the Risorgimento uprising, and the center was home to Carbonari fraternities.

The earthquake of November 23, 1980

Sant'Angelo dei Lombardi was one of the towns worst hit by the 1980 Irpinia earthquake. It was called 'the capital of the earthquake' and saw the death of 482 people. There are four symbolic places where the greatest losses were registered: the hospital, the Japicca Palace, the recreational circle, and the convent of Santa Maria delle Grazie.


Sant'Angelo dei Lombardi was awarded the gold medal for civil merit for its courage and solidarity during the 1980 earthquake.

Monuments and places of interest

Cathedral of Sant'Antonino Martire

The Cathedral of Sant'Antonino Martire is a historically significant building. Built by the Normans in the 12th century, it was elevated to a cathedral when Sant'Angelo became a bishopric by the will of Pope Gregory VII. The Cathedral underwent numerous restorations, including the Baroque one after the 1694 earthquake. The interior of the church is in Baroque style and is composed of three aisles with numerous side chapels.

Abbey of Goleto

The Abbey of Goleto is a place of great historical charm. Built in 1133 by Guglielmo da Vercelli, it consisted of two monasteries for men and women. In 1515, the women's order ceased, and the abbey was united with that of Montevergine. In the Middle Ages, the monastery was very flourishing, and its prestige was reborn in the 18th century when a new church was built by Domenico Antonio Vaccaro. This church was almost destroyed by the 1980 earthquake and is now an archaeological site, while the original monastery is still intact.

Lombard Castle

The Lombard Castle is another monument worth visiting. Founded in the 10th century, it dominates the center of the town and was the original place from which the village of Sant'Angelo dei Lombardi developed.

Sant'Angelo dei Lombardi is a town rich in history and charm. Its history, marked by the tragic earthquake of 1980, must not be forgotten, but the town deserves to be experienced in full, amid its monuments and works of art that make it an ambitious tourist destination. Come and discover Sant'Angelo dei Lombardi, you won't regret it!

Francesco Serra
Updated Tuesday, Aug 23, 2022