
Discovering the Province of Terni

Hello everyone! I'm taking you to discover the beautiful province of Terni, located in the Umbria region in central Italy. The province was established in 1927, separating from the Umbria province, and is inhabited by over 216,000 people. Here you will find wonderful landscapes, between mountains, valleys, and artificial lakes, and many protected green areas.

Physical Geography

The province of Terni borders to the north with the province of Perugia, to the east, south, and west with Lazio (the province of Rieti and the province of Viterbo), and to the northwest with Tuscany (the province of Siena). The province is characterized by a particular geological conformation that alternates flat stretches of valley floors with wooded mountain peaks of moderate height, such as Mount Peglia and Mount Croce di Serra between Terni and Orvieto.

There are some mountain ranges in the province, including the Martani Mountains and the Marmore Falls. To the east, on the other hand, the landscape is dominated by a group of mountains. And from east to southeast, another mountain range extends from the Tiber valley to Calvi dell'Umbria.

The wonderful province of Terni: amongst mountains, lakes and nature.


The provincial territory is characterized by numerous hydrographic basins, which allow hydroelectric exploitation. Thanks to these basins, several artificial lakes have been created, such as Lake Alviano, Lake Corbara, Lake Recentino, Lake San Liberato, and Lake Arezzo. Even a stretch of the Rieti plain is part of the province of Terni and hosts Lake Piediluco.

Protected Areas

Within the province of Terni, there are two important nature reserves: Monte Peglia and Selva di Meana, and the Nera river reserve. The Monte Peglia and Selva di Meana Reserve occupies a wooded area of ​​7,600 hectares, located southwest of Perugia. Here you will find many places to walk and relax in contact with nature, including some nature trails. The Nera river reserve, on the other hand, covers 5,000 hectares and is located in the southern part of the province. Here you can admire the crystal-clear water of the Nera river, which crosses the reserve, and many animal and plant species.


In conclusion, the province of Terni is a wonderful place to visit for nature and tranquility lovers. Here you can enjoy unique landscapes and protected natural beauties. The province of Terni is a place to explore for a nature-filled experience.

Irene Mariani
Wrote by Irene Mariani
Updated Tuesday, Jun 7, 2022