
Welcome to Guarcino: a historic town in the heart of the Ernici Mountains

Welcome to Guarcino, a small community of 1501 inhabitants located in the province of Frosinone in Lazio. Guarcino is nestled in the Ernici Mountains, at 680 meters above sea level. The municipality is strategically positioned between the Valle del Cosa/Sacco and the Valle dell'Aniene.

The physical geography of Guarcino

The municipal territory of Guarcino includes two important natural springs: Capo Cosa and Caporelle. These two streams come together to form the Cosa River, which in turn flows into the Sacco River. Here, you can also find Campocatino (Guarcino), a renowned mountain tourist resort featuring ski slopes and ski lifts.

The climate of Guarcino is typically mountainous, with brief and cool summers and long and harsh winters.

Guarcino: history and nature in the Ernici Mountains.

The history of Guarcino

The history of the municipality of Guarcino dates back to the 8th century BC. The area was inhabited by the Ernici who called it ''Varcenum''. Over the years, the city became strategically important and was even considered a protected site during the Roman era. With the fall of the Roman Empire, Guarcino fortified itself and began to build numerous watchtowers.

During the Middle Ages, Guarcino was under the Papal States as a Free Commune. The city was particularly important during the pontificates of the Popes of Anagni, Gregory IX and Boniface VIII. The latter was born in Guarcino, in one of the oldest buildings in the town. During this period, Guarcino also witnessed a significant duel between a knight of the army of Henry VI of Swabia and a medieval knight from Guarcino named Malpensa. The knight was the winner of the duel and saved the municipality from destruction and looting. A bronze statue in Piazza Umberto I now commemorates this historic event.

Guarcino also has legends. It is said that the hermit Sant'Agnello retreated for seven years in a cave on the mountains of the town, subsequently becoming the patron saint of the town.

During the period between 1870 and 1923, the district of Frosinone was divided into 12 districts and Guarcino became the main municipality of its district.

Things to do in Guarcino

Guarcino is a small but pleasant town, with numerous attractions for visitors. A walk through the streets of the town will allow you to admire the numerous watchtowers dating back to the medieval period. Another important attraction is Piazza Umberto I, where you can find the statue of Bonetto Floridi and the statue of the medieval knight Malpensa.

Nature and ski enthusiasts will find the perfect location in Guarcino to practice their favorite sports. Campocatino (Guarcino) is the nearest ski resort, with slopes suitable for all levels of experience.

We are delighted that you have chosen to visit Guarcino. We are sure that you will appreciate both the beauty of the landscape and the rich history of this municipality of Lazio.

Andrea Giordano
Updated Wednesday, Apr 27, 2022