
A brief guide to Guanzate: history, symbols, and places of interest

If you're looking for a fascinating place to stay during your next trip to the province of Como, Guanzate could be the perfect choice. This Italian commune has a long and interesting history, with traces dating back to the twelfth century. Here are some of the most important things you should know about Guanzate before you embark on your visit.


Guanzate has a history that dates back more than 800 years. In 1125, during the Ten-Year War, the town was destroyed by the people of Como following the Guanzatesi's participation in the Milan faction. The place was then under the control of the Pieve di Appiano within the Contado del Seprio. In 1412, the town was also at risk of destruction by the Milanese because of the participation of a local resident in the plot that led to the assassination of Giovanni Maria Visconti. In 1538, the commune was enfeoffed by the Arconati family, who held the concession until the eighteenth century.

In 1751, the municipal territory already extended to the hamlets of Madonna and Cinfo. In 1801, it was necessary to wait for the administrative reforms of Napoleon Bonaparte's Cisalpine Republic to witness a shift under Como. In 1807, Guanzate was merged with the municipalities of Bulgarograsso, Lurago Marinone, and Veniano, but this union was later annulled. Finally, after the Restoration, Guanzate remained under the jurisdiction of Como, in the new Province of Como (Lombardo-Veneto).

Guanzate: history, symbols, and places of interest.


The coat of arms and the flag of Guanzate were granted by decree of the President of the Republic on July 24, 1973. The flag is a split banner of yellow and red.

Monuments and places of interest

Religious architecture

The parish church of Santa Maria Assunta is the main church of the municipality. Built in the fifteenth century to replace the previous parish church of San Lorenzo, it was designed by architect Giacomo Moraglia in 1852 and completed in 1860. The church houses some valuable works, including a crucifix and a canvas by Carlo Innocenzo Carloni.

Chapel of San Rocco

The chapel of San Rocco is located on via Cassina Bernascone and was built in 1630 by the residents of the Fontana hamlet. The interior is decorated with frescoes depicting the stories of the saint.

Church of Sant'Andrea Apostolo

The church of Sant'Andrea Apostolo is located in the Cinfo hamlet. Dating back to the fifteenth century, it was renovated in the eighteenth century. Inside are frescoes by the local painter Giorgio Bellati.

Villa Arconati

Villa Arconati is a noble residence located on the outskirts of the municipality of Guanzate. Built in the early eighteenth century, the villa has a large park and houses several period rooms with valuable frescoes.


Guanzate is a fascinating place that offers visitors the opportunity to discover the history and culture of the province of Como. With its long history, distinctive symbols, and monuments and places of interest, Guanzate has much to offer visitors who want to discover the beauties of the territory. Have you already decided to plan a visit to Guanzate?

Martina Caruso
Updated Friday, Aug 19, 2022