
Welcome to the province of Macerata: let's discover the territory together

Hello everyone! Today I will take you to discover the province of Macerata, one of the provinces of the Marche region. With its 303,684 inhabitants, the province of Macerata has Macerata as its capital, but the territory extends well beyond this city.

The province of Macerata is the largest province in the Marche region and borders the Adriatic Sea to the east, the province of Perugia to the west, and three other Marche provinces to the north, southwest, and south. The territory is predominantly hilly, but there are also mountainous areas, which are part of the three Mountain Community Unions present in the province.

But how was the province of Macerata born? In reality, it originated from the delegation of Macerata from the State of the Church in 1860, when the Minghetti decree annexed the delegation of Camerino and the municipality of Visso. Over the years, the province has undergone numerous territorial modifications, but in 1929 it received the municipality of Visso from the province of Perugia.

The economy of the province of Macerata

Let's now move on to the issue of the economy of the province of Macerata. As in many other Italian provinces, there are also many small and highly specialized companies here. However, the footwear sector is particularly important for the province of Macerata. In 2006, the Bank of the province of Macerata was established to support the economic development of the territory.

Let's discover together the province of Macerata: from geography to economy and infrastructure.

Infrastructure and transport in the province of Macerata

Before the days of the car, the province of Macerata was crossed by numerous historical roads leading to Rome. Among these, the most important was the Via Lauretana. However, with the arrival of trains, the territory saw the opening of the Rome-Ancona railway, which crosses the Valico di Fossato di Vico-Fabriano-Vall'Esina. Nevertheless, the province of Macerata still has numerous railway stations along the Adriatic railway and along other minor lines. In addition, there are numerous bus lines and rental cars to move safely and comfortably.


I hope you enjoyed my presentation of the province of Macerata and appreciated the information I provided on the physical geography, economy, and infrastructure of the province. The province of Macerata is a truly special place, characterized by a hilly and mountainous territory, but rich in resources and natural beauties. I invite you to visit this province and discover for yourself everything it has to offer!

Valentina Fabbri
Updated Tuesday, Sep 13, 2022