
Grumes, the story of the small Trentino municipality

Grumes is a hamlet of the municipality of Altavalle, in the province of Trento. This small village is crossed by the Avisio River and has 438 inhabitants. Until 2015 it was an autonomous municipality. Grumes bordered with the municipalities of Grauno, Salorno (in the province of Bolzano), Segonzano, Sover and Valda.

The history of Grumes

Grumes was a seat of episcopal jurisdiction and in the 12th century it had a castle that was destroyed. Later, the castle was the subject of numerous legends. In 1797, the village was besieged by a French column coming from the Val di Cembra. On January 1, 2016 it merged with Faver, Grauno and Valda to form the new municipality of Altavalle.

Grumes, history and beauty of Trentino nature.

The symbols of Grumes

The coat of arms of the municipality depicts a crenellated tower for three walls beaten by the Avisio River and the chain of mountains.

Monuments and places of interest

The church of Santa Lucia is a frescoed building by the painter Valentino Rovisi that stands on a high hill. Near the church there is a cemetery enclosed by a wall and a linden tree. In the village, you can also visit the Grumes Castle, around which vineyards are cultivated. Moreover, the surroundings offer the possibility to see oak forests and mountain refuges.


From a demographic point of view, the village has undergone several evolutions: in 1928, the municipalities of Valda and Grauno were united with Grumes, but little more than twenty years later they regained their autonomy.

The economy of Grumes

The main activities that support the economy of Grumes are viticulture, craftsmanship and wood trade. In recent years, the village is also developing from an industrial point of view.

The administration of Grumes

Grumes was an autonomous municipality until 2015, when it merged with other municipalities to form the new municipality of Altavalle.


The history of Grumes is rich in legends and traditions. The landscape surrounding the village is breathtaking and offers the possibility to take long walks in the middle of nature. The locals are very welcoming and helpful with visitors. If you are looking for a quiet place to relax and enjoy the beauty of nature, Grumes is the perfect place for you.

Luca Bianchi
Wrote by Luca Bianchi
Updated Sunday, Jul 31, 2022