
Antonio Abate Church. The façade, enriched by baroque architectural elements, is composed of a portal with a curved tympanum surmounted by a large window with a stone frame. The interior of the church, with its single nave, is characterized by a wide and bright barrel vault decorated with frescoes depicting Saints and Angels. Above the main altar, preserved in polychrome marble, is the polychrome wooden statue of Mary Most Holy of the Rosary.

Santa Maria Assunta Church. Santa Maria Assunta Church is one of the most representative monuments in Grottazzolina. The impressive cathedral, dating back to the sixteenth century, was built thanks to the funds of the Grottazzolina Community and other neighboring municipalities. The Renaissance style church presents a face in exposed brick with a large stone entrance portal. The interior of the single nave church is more than 50 meters long and decorated with frescoes, paintings and marble statues. The presbytery, illuminated by a large circular window, houses the white marble main altar and the statue of Mary Most Holy Assumed.

Civil architecture

Grottazzolina Castle. Built around the 10th century by the Farfensi monks, Grottazzolina Castle was repeatedly renovated and modified over the centuries. In the 14th century, it was fortified by Oliverotto da Fermo, who set up a cannon foundry there. The castle suffered repeated looting and occupation, but in 1465, order was restored by the Fermo Senate. In the 17th century, the castle underwent further growth and restructuring by the Fermani. Today, only some sections of walls and towers remain, but it is still possible to admire the large stone entrance gate, the internal courtyard and a panoramic view of the surrounding countryside.

City Hall. Located in the historic center of Grottazzolina, the city hall dates back to the 18th century and was built in baroque style. The palace is spread over three floors and characterized by a monumental stone façade, enriched by an imposing entrance portal and a series of windows framed by elegant cornices. Inside the palace, original frescoes and decorations are still preserved, testifying to the great importance the palace had in the public life of the town.

Events and traditions

San Luigi Gonzaga Patron Saint Festival. The San Luigi Gonzaga Patron Saint Festival is celebrated on June 21 and lasts three days. During the festival, the streets of the town come alive with parties, shows, parades and stalls. The most solemn moments of the festival are represented by the procession of the Patron Saint and the Solemn Holy Mass held in the great Cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta.

Santa Maria Assunta Fair. The Santa Maria Assunta Fair takes place on August 15 and is one of the most important commercial events in the area. During the fair, the town comes alive with exhibitors, street artists, musicians and dancers. Do not miss the festival of typical dishes of the Marche cuisine, such as stuffed olives, tagliatelle with ragù sauce, ciauscolo salami and local wines.

Madonna Assunta Fireworks. The tradition of the Madonna Assunta fireworks dates back to the 17th century and is still very much felt by the population of Grottazzolina. During the night of August 15, the inhabitants gather on the surrounding hills to admire the fireworks display that illuminates the sky.


The economy of Grottazzolina is mainly based on agricultural, artisanal and commercial activities. The territory is characterized by the presence of numerous SMEs, which are engaged in the production of furniture, textiles, footwear and high-quality food products. Grottazzolina is also famous for the production of handmade ceramic, leather and wooden crafts, which represent a true excellence of Made in Italy. Tourism is an important resource for the economy of the town, thanks to the presence of numerous monuments and places of interest, as well as the beauty of the surrounding countryside.


Grottazzolina: history, art, and traditions.

Grottazzolina is a small town with great traditions, which preserves intact the testimonies of its millenary history. The town offers visitors the beauty of its monuments, the kindness of its people and the goodness of its local products. Those who choose to spend a few days in Grottazzolina will have the opportunity to immerse themselves in an authentic and welcoming atmosphere, where past and present merge into a unique scenario of art, nature, and culture.

Marco Rossi
Wrote by Marco Rossi
Updated Monday, Sep 12, 2022