
Carpignano: The small hamlet of Grottaminarda

Carpignano is a small hamlet located in the municipality of Grottaminarda, in the province of Avellino. The area is characterized by the presence of the beautiful Church of Santa Maria di Carpignano, where a venerated painting depicting the Madonna and Child is preserved. The history of Carpignano is closely linked to this church and the arrival of the Order of Santa Maria della Mercede in the area.

The origin of the name Carpignano

The original name of the locality was Crispignano, but over the years it has undergone a slight evolution to become Carpignano, the name we know today.

Carpignano: the history of the church of Santa Maria and the Order of Santa Maria della Mercede.

The history of Carpignano and the Church of Santa Maria

According to legend, in 1150, a large hornbeam tree was cut down and inside it was found a painted panel depicting the Madonna and Child. This panel was then placed in a small church built around the hornbeam tree. Over the centuries, the Church of Santa Maria di Carpignano has undergone numerous restorations and requalifications. In 1478, the bishop of Frigento incorporated the church into the Church of Santa Maria Maggiore in Grottaminarda.

During the nineteenth century, the church was completely rebuilt and entrusted to hermits. In 1901, the Order of Santa Maria della Mercede arrived in Grottaminarda and began the recovery of the Church of Santa Maria di Carpignano. The friars became promoters of many initiatives that would lead to the construction of the convent and the creation of the new parish of Santa Maria di Carpignano.

The Mercedarian community of Carpignano

The Mercedarian community of Carpignano was founded in 1901 by Fr. Adolfo Londei, the first superior of the community, Fr. Ferdinando Bandiera, and Fr. Antonio Giuliano. Initially, the friars lived in a small house located to the right of the church, then they began the construction of the new convent. The first stone of the convent was blessed on May 17, 1902, and the construction work was completed in 1907.

Over the years, Carpignano was led by many superiors of the Order of Santa Maria della Mercede, including Fr. Adolfo Londei, Fr. Giovanni De Risio, Fr. Giuseppe Ruberto, Fr. Rodolfo Ciuchini, and many others.

The re-evaluation of Carpignano

The presence of the Mercedarian friars had a positive impact on the hamlet of Carpignano, bringing many benefits to the local community. The friars were promoters of many innovative initiatives, such as the creation of the electric line and the activation of the five classes of the elementary school. Thanks to their presence, Carpignano regained new vitality, becoming an important center for the community of Grottaminarda and the surrounding villages.

In conclusion, Carpignano is a small hamlet with a very interesting history. The presence of the Church of Santa Maria di Carpignano and the Order of Santa Maria della Mercede has brought considerable benefits to the local community over the centuries. The hamlet has undergone significant development and has transformed from a small village into an important center for the area. The presence of the friars has given the hamlet added value, requalifying it and giving citizens a sense of belonging and community. Carpignano and its history are an example of how faith and hard work can help build a strong and supportive community.

Francesco Serra
Updated Monday, Apr 25, 2022