Grizzana Morandi

Grizzana Morandi: a municipality in the Bolognese Apennines

Hello everyone! Today I want to talk to you about Grizzana Morandi, a small municipality in the Bolognese Apennines that owes its name to the great painter Giorgio Morandi. Here I will tell you a little about the history of the municipality, its symbols, its infrastructures, and even the local football team!


Let's start with the climate: Grizzana Morandi has a climate classification of zone E, with an average annual temperature of 9.6°C and an average annual rainfall of 2730 mm.

Grizzana Morandi: history, symbols, sports and more!


The municipality of Grizzana Morandi was established in 1882, after the suppression of the municipality of Tavernola Reno. During World War II, the territory of Grizzana Morandi was the scene of two massacres: the Savignano Massacre and the Monte Sole Massacre, which caused the death of many innocent people.


The municipality of Grizzana Morandi has a coat of arms that recalls the old denomination of Tavernola Reno, with a "small hut" or "tavern". The flag is blue.

Infrastructures and transport

The provincial road 24 connects Grizzana Morandi with the state road 325 of Val di Setta and Val di Bisenzio and the Grizzana station, and with Vergato and the state road 64 Porrettana.


Let's move on to sport: the main football team in Grizzana Morandi is called F.C. Grizzana 1996 A.S.D., but at the moment it is not registered in any league.

I hope this overview of Grizzana Morandi has been helpful and interesting to you! If you want to learn more, I suggest you visit the Grizzana station and the Rocchetta Mattei, an ancient country residence that looks like it came out of a fantasy movie. See you next time!

Marco Damico
Wrote by Marco Damico
Updated Friday, May 20, 2022