Grinzane Cavour

Grinzane Cavour: a Piedmontese village with an important history

Grinzane Cavour is an Italian municipality in the province of Cuneo, in Piedmont, with a population of 1,965 inhabitants. The name of the village refers to Camillo Benso, Count of Cavour, who was the mayor of the town for 17 years. The Grinzane Cavour Castle, which dominates the village, has become the regional wine shop and the center of the family-owned agricultural estate of the Cavour family, as well as the venue for the Grinzane Cavour Prize.

Administration: past and present

Grinzane Cavour has had several administrations over the years. The municipality has twinning agreements with other towns, but it is not specified which ones.

Grinzane Cavour: history, castle and Barolo mentions.

Society: population and foreign minorities

In the last fifty years, the population of the village has doubled, from less than 1,000 inhabitants to almost 2,000. Some foreign citizens have settled in the village, mainly coming from Romania, the Republic of Macedonia, and Kosovo.

Monuments and places of interest: the castle and additional geographic mentions

The Grinzane Cavour Castle is a historic monument that dominates the village and attracts many visitors. Besides the castle, the village has some additional geographic mentions of the Barolo denomination, such as Bablino, Borzone, Canova, Castello, Garretti, Gustava, and La Corte.

Notes, projects, and external links

No further information is provided on these sections.

In general, Grinzane Cavour is a picturesque village that offers a mix of history, culture, and good food. The castle is undoubtedly the main tourist attraction, but there are also many other things to see and do. The presence of foreign minorities has contributed to making the village even more interesting from a cultural and social point of view. If you are in this area of Piedmont, it is worth visiting Grinzane Cavour!

Irene Mariani
Wrote by Irene Mariani
Updated Friday, Jun 10, 2022