
Discovering Grimacco, among mountains and streams

Grimacco, known in Slovenian as Garmak and in Friulian as Grimàc, is a scattered municipality in the Friuli-Venezia Giulia region, located 33.1 km from the provincial capital. With its 296 inhabitants, Grimacco opens onto both sides of the Cosizza valley and is characterized by a mountainous territory rich in streams.

Physical Geography

Discover Grimacco: mountains, streams and local culture.


Grimacco extends over an area of 16.38 km², with an altitude ranging from 216 meters in Dolina to 987 meters on Mount San Martino. The municipal headquarters is located in the village of Clodig.


The heights of the municipality are represented by the southern foothills of Mount Colovrat, among which are Škarje and Gune located north of Topolò, Nad Dolino located above Grimacco, Kuk and San Mattia near Costne, and Merišča near Sverinaz. The highest point in the municipal territory is Mount San Martino, where a Romanesque-style chapel is located, whose first historical documents date back to 1299. The mountains are crossed by several trails marked by signposts, including the Italy Trail no. 745, which connects Topolò with the municipality of Savogna, Italy Trail no. 746, which connects Topolò with the municipality of Drenchia, and the trail that leads from the Prievalo pass to the top of Mount San Martino.


The municipal area of Grimacco is crossed by the Rieca stream that originates from Mount Colovrat and continues into the municipality of San Leonardo with the name of Cosizza. There are also several streams that descend from the mountains of San Martino, Colovrat, and Santa Maria Maddalena, as well as streams that flow from the present sources. The fish species present in the waters are salmo trutta, barbus plebejus, squalius squalus, and austropotamobius pallipes. In particular, in the stretch of the Rieca stream that crosses the village of Clodig, the presence of barbel and brown trout has been detected.

History and Culture

Despite being a small municipality, Grimacco boasts a history and culture that deserve to be discovered. The chapel of Mount San Martino, for example, is part of the religious tradition of the municipality. In the territory of Grimacco, there are also several archaeological remains, including an 11th century BC necropolis, located in Penjam, which attests to the presence of ancient communities in the area.

Outdoor activities

Grimacco is an ideal destination for hiking and fishing enthusiasts. The presence of several trails allows you to explore the mountainous terrain, among the peaks of Mount Colovrat, the Solarie pass, and the Isonzo valley. Fishing, on the other hand, is allowed but subject to specific restrictions and prohibitions established by the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region.

Local cuisine

The culinary tradition of Grimacco is linked to the territory and its natural resources. Typical dishes include frico, a dish made with cheese and potatoes, gubance, gnocchi made with cornmeal and seasoned with meat sauce, and jota, a soup made with beans and sauerkraut. Don't miss the local wines, such as Refosco and Teran.


In conclusion, Grimacco is a municipality that deserves to be discovered and visited, especially for hiking and fishing enthusiasts. Its mountainous territory, streams, and culture offer an immersive experience in nature and local tradition.

Andrea Giordano
Updated Monday, Nov 14, 2022