
Hello Grigno: a friendly introduction to the city

Hello friends! Today I'll be talking to you about Grigno, a small town located in the autonomous province of Trento, in the beautiful eastern Valsugana, on the border with Veneto. With its 2038 inhabitants, Grigno is a jewel nestled among the mountains.

Get to know the territory of Grigno

Grigno: nature and history in a small town in Valsugana.

The beauty of the territory

The territory of Grigno is enchanting, thanks to its lush nature and its waterways. The Grigno river, which runs through the city, flows into the Brenta, the river that represents the pulsing heart of the Valsugana.

Pleasant climate

The climate of Grigno is cool and pleasant, ideal for enjoying summer in the cool air and learning to love winter with snow.

Origin of the name Grigno

Do you know how Grigno got its particular name? The town takes its name from the river that runs through it, the Grigno, which in turn has a pre-Roman origin. Some scholars hypothesize that the *''krīnia'' root means "cut, incision".

Discovering the history of Grigno

Prehistory of the city

Human presence in the territory of Grigno dates back to the Upper Paleolithic. The remains testify to the Dalmeri Shelter and the Ernesto Cave, two extremely important archaeological sites. The Dalmeri shelter, located north of the Marcesina plain at 1240 m above sea level, was an ancient shelter used in the summer and autumn periods by ibex hunters. Here, stones with stylized animal drawings, geometric elements, and anthropomorphic figures have been found. The Ernesto Cave, on the other hand, is located at 1165 m above sea level and has traces of sporadic hunter-gatherer occupation dating back to the seventh millennium BC.

Ancient times of Grigno

Grigno was located on the route of the Claudia Augusta road, which connected Altinum to Trento and was a stable settlement of the Romans. In addition, the Grigno castelliere was built, a defensive stone and wood construction against Celtic tribes.

Grigno in the Middle Ages

Grigno became the possession of the diocese of Feltre and was administered by the Grigno family, their vassal. In 1261, the mountain of Marcesina, a territory rich in pastures and timber, was assigned to the town of Grigno. The valley floor was connected to the location via the Pertega and Traversade trails.


Grigno is a city with ancient origins and a rich history. Its territory combines the beauty of nature with the story of its past. Come visit, you won't regret it!

Luca Bianchi
Wrote by Luca Bianchi
Updated Monday, Apr 11, 2022