
Welcome to Grezzana!

Hello everyone! Today I will tell you about Grezzana, a municipality in the province of Verona, in Veneto. Grezzana has a population of about 10,724 inhabitants and is located halfway between Valpantena and Lessinia. The city is situated at 169 meters above sea level and is only 9 km away from the provincial capital.

Physical Geography

The territory of Grezzana is surrounded by many different municipalities: for example, to the north it borders with Erbezzo and to the northeast with Bosco Chiesanuova and Cerro Veronese. To the east is Roverè Veronese while to the south we find Verona, the world-renowned art city. Finally, to the west it borders with Negrar and to the northwest with Sant'Anna d'Alfaedo.

The territory is divided into different areas. In the central-northern part of Valpantena, some of the most famous inlet-like formations can be found, such as the vajo della Marciora, the vajo dei Falconi and the vajo dell'Anguilla. To the north of these inlets there are some of the Lessinian massifs such as Monte Tomba, Corno d'Aquilio and Corno Mozzo.

If we move to the southern part of the municipality, we will see vineyards and olive plantations prevail, with hilly areas alternating with plains. There are many pasture areas in the central and northern parts of the municipality.

The highest communal point is located above the hamlet of Azzago, on Monte Santa Viola, at an altitude of 830 meters, while the lowest point is located at 143 meters in the area bordering Verona in Valpantena.

Discover Grezzana: history and geography of a Veronese municipality.


We do not know exactly when the first Christian community was founded in Valpantena.

However, it seems to have arrived in the area at the end of the fourth century thanks to the first conversions initiated by the missionaries of Saint Alexander of Illasi. Sainte Giustina of Illasi was an important Venetian figure, martyred in 304, who was involved in education and evangelization throughout the province of Verona.

After this period, other churches were created for evangelization: the so-called "pievi pagensi" (of the countryside, later also called "pievi mariane"). Even in Grezzana, during this period, the presence of evangelization can be noted.

In the province of Verona, there were only two centers for Christian education (San Giustina of Palazzolo Sommacampagna and San Giustina of Illasi) which were then replaced by seven places of diffusion of the faith. The area was very popular with the Roman patricians of the city, also due to the numerous temples, caves and forests built by the nobles at the height of the empire.

Before the fifth century, there were few conversions to Christianity, but towards the eighth century, it is known that a parish church was established in Grezzana (whose origin is traced back to a certain Roman patrician Lucio Curio Antilio in the second century BC), sufficient to satisfy the needs of the faithful.


Grezzana is a truly interesting municipality from a historical and geographical point of view. Its location makes it an ideal place to visit Verona and other nearby municipalities.

If you are looking for a quiet area immersed in nature, with many hills and countryside, then Grezzana might be the right place for you. Do not hesitate to visit it!

Alessandro Romano
Updated Tuesday, Apr 19, 2022