Greve in Chianti

Welcome to Greve in Chianti!

Hello everyone! Today I'll be talking about one of the most beautiful towns in Tuscany: Greve in Chianti. It is a small town with 13363 inhabitants located in the metropolitan city of Florence, famous for its Chianti wine and the breathtaking view it offers of the Tuscan hills.

Explore Greve in Chianti: wine, landscapes and ancient history.

Discover the territory of Greve in Chianti


The territory of Greve in Chianti extends over an area of 169.38 square kilometers and is located between the Chianti Mountains and the Florentine hills. The landscape is characterized by a medium hill in its northern part and a mountainous area in the southern part, with altimetric differences ranging from a minimum of 149 meters to a maximum of 892 meters. The town of Greve in Chianti is located at 236 meters above sea level.


The climate of Greve in Chianti is typical of the area, with cooler summers compared to the center of Florence and cold winters in the valleys. Snow is quite frequent, but tends not to stay on the ground for long. If you are curious to know the average temperature values, you can consult the Poggibonsi Strozzavolpe meteorological station.

A bit of history

Greve in Chianti is a town with a millenary history, dating back to the Middle Ages. The main square, the Mercatale, has always been the center of social and economic life in the town. A meeting point for several connection routes, the Mercatale has become the main market in the area. The square is surrounded by arcades and in the center there is the statue of Giovanni da Verrazzano. The parish church dedicated to the Holy Cross is one of the reference points in the town.

Greve in Chianti also has several places of interest, from the castles of Uzzano, Canonica, Mugnana and Verrazzano to the village of Montefioralle and S. Lucia a Barbiano with the castle that was already a stronghold in the city conflicts between Florence and Siena. A spectacular panoramic view can be enjoyed from the nearby Convertoie.

Monuments and places of interest

Religious architecture

The main churches in the municipality of Greve in Chianti are the Proposal of the Holy Cross and the Church of San Donato ad Ama. Both churches are characterized by interesting architectural styles and present artistic works by several ancient and contemporary artists.


In conclusion, if you are looking for a place to relax and enjoy the incredible landscapes of Tuscany, Greve in Chianti is definitely the right choice. In this town you can admire the natural beauty of Chianti, try the famous Chianti wine and visit ancient churches and castles. What are you waiting for? Come to Greve in Chianti and let yourself be conquered by Tuscany!

Matteo Ferrari
Updated Wednesday, Sep 21, 2022