
Geography: Let's talk about Greggio

Hello everyone! Today I want to talk to you about a town that perhaps not everyone knows: Greggio, which is located in the province of Vercelli, in Italy. Greggio is a very quiet village, with just over 800 inhabitants. But despite its small size, this Italian municipality has given its name to a very important variety of oil.

People: Who is named Greggio?

Most of you have probably heard of Ezio Greggio, the famous Italian actor, director, comedian, and television host. Born in 1954, Ezio Greggio was one of the protagonists of Italian television in the 1980s and 1990s with shows like "Striscia la Notizia". But in the Greggio family, there is also Max, Ezio's older brother, who is a cartoonist and television author. Then there's Simonetta Greggio, an Italian writer who writes in French and has won numerous awards, including the Prix des lectrices di Elle for her book Dolce Vita 1959-1979. Finally, we cannot forget Valentina Greggio, a young Italian speed skier.

Crude oil: the municipality, the people and the petroleum.

Other: Greggio oil

Did you know that the name Greggio is also given to a variety of oil? In fact, Greggio is the name given to crude oil, which needs to be processed for the production of fuels such as diesel and gasoline. Like many other oils, Greggio is extracted from the earth and then transported to special tanks where it is refined. Without this important refining operation, Greggio would not be usable as fuel in our cars or heating systems.

And you, did you know all these aspects related to the name Greggio? Discovering these curiosities makes us feel a little closer to these people and to this Italian municipality.

Davide Neri
Wrote by Davide Neri
Updated Sunday, Oct 23, 2022