
Hi everyone! Today I'll tell you about Grassano!

Grassano is a small municipality in the province of Matera, in the Basilicata region, with a population of approximately 4,770 inhabitants. Located between the valleys of the Bradano and Basento rivers, it is characterized by a variety of altitudes ranging from 150 to 576 meters above sea level.

Enchanting Geography

Its northern position borders the municipality of Irsina, to the east with Grottole, to the south with Garaguso and Salandra, and to the west with Calciano and Tricarico.

The history and beauty of Grassano: a charming municipality in Basilicata.

The History of Grassano

We don't know much about the origin of Grassano, but we do know that it was first mentioned in 1123 as one of the centers of the Diocese of Tricarico. Later, in the XV century, it became a "hamlet of the city of Tricarico" located in the homonymous district of the Tricarico territory. However, the town never accepted this "dominion," especially after the arrival of the Gerosolimitans. It was necessary to have the Kingdom of Naples, Ladislao I of Naples, speak on the matter. The king with an official act on January 19, 1414, known as the "candle sentence," reaffirmed, "...declaramus et decernimus praefatum casale Grassani fuisse, et esse de pertinentijs, territorio, et districtu dictae civitatis Tricarici...".

Post-unity Banditry

In 1861, there was a battle between the band led by Carmine Crocco and José Borjes and units of National Guards and the 62nd infantry in the Battle of Acinello. Subsequently, Crocco's formations tried to conquer Garaguso, clashing with contingents of National Guards. However, things did not go as planned and they settled on the heights of Grassano. Here, a violent clash took place with the soldiers of the 50th and 30th infantry and the National Guard. In the end, the bandits broke off contact the following morning, heading towards San Chirico. The Second Lieutenant of the 50th infantry, Zanetti Demetrio, distinguished himself in this clash and was decorated with the Silver Medal for Military Valor for the courage and coolness he showed in the attack.


The emblem of the municipality of Grassano is made up of two brimming cornucopias of fruits that represent the fertility of the lands that border the Basento river. In addition, there are three hills in the upper part of the coat of arms that depict the 'shape' of the town. This coat of arms and its banner were granted by decree of the President of the Republic in 1989.


In short, Grassano is a small but fascinating Italian municipality that, despite its history, has developed in a healthy and flourishing way. It is worth visiting to appreciate the beauty of its valleys, its orchards, and to learn about the long and interesting history of the town.

Sofia Greco
Wrote by Sofia Greco
Updated Sunday, Jul 24, 2022