Granozzo con Monticello

Welcome to Granozzo con Monticello!

Hello everyone! Today we're talking about Granozzo con Monticello, a municipality in Piedmont with an ancient and charming history. Get ready to discover the beauty of this place!

Physical geography

The territory of Granozzo con Monticello is flat, except for a hill near Monticello and gentle slopes that descend towards the Agogna stream and the Arbogna Valley. There are several watercourses that run through this area, such as the Agogna stream, the Biraghetta canal, the Biraga canal, the Caccesca canal, and the Busca canal. As you can see, there's no shortage of water here!

Granozzo con Monticello: history, symbols and places of interest


The history of Granozzo con Monticello dates back to ancient times. The name of the municipality is believed to derive from its vocation for the cultivation of wheat. The first documents that attest to the existence of this place date back to around 829, when a certain Johannes de Granocio was a witness in a Novarese deed. Over the centuries, the municipality was governed by several noble families, such as the Tettoni, the Visconti, the Caccia, the Birago, the Guilizzoni, and the Serale da Saluzzo. In 1974, a tragic plane crash occurred in the area, but this did not undermine the resilience of the inhabitants of Granozzo con Monticello.


The municipality's coat of arms is a silver Gorgonzola cheese on a blue background, with rice spikes, corn cobbs, and crossed wheat spikes. The banner, on the other hand, is divided in white and blue. These symbols represent the history and tradition of Granozzo con Monticello.

Monuments and places of interest

In Granozzo con Monticello, there are several monuments and places of interest worth visiting. The Church of San Maria Assunta is one of the main attractions of the village. This Baroque-style sacred building stands on a previous medieval construction and was consecrated in 1596. Inside, you can admire three marble altars, a 17th-century wooden choir, and an ancient, perfectly functional Mentasti organ. Don't miss the 18th-century painting of the Assumption of Mary, which is of great artistic quality.


So there you have it, we talked about Granozzo con Monticello, a municipality in Piedmont that has a great history behind it. Here, the beauty of the territory is combined with the tradition and culture of the place. If you're in the area, don't miss the opportunity to visit this incredible location!

Erica Ferrari
Wrote by Erica Ferrari
Updated Sunday, Jun 19, 2022