Goriano Sicoli

A unique place in the heart of Abruzzo: Goriano Sicoli

Hello everyone! Today I want to talk to you about a place that has always fascinated me for its beauty and ancient charm: Goriano Sicoli, a municipality in L'Aquila in Abruzzo, which had 507 inhabitants in 2020. Located in the Subequana Valley at 720 meters above sea level, Goriano Sicoli is a place with a millennial history that still preserves the typical appearance of a medieval village.

Physical geography

The territory of Goriano Sicoli is characterized by being embraced by a vast public forest, the forest of "I Cerri", which extends for over 50,000 square meters. The village, whose origins date back to the medieval period, is dominated by the bell tower that stands next to the parish church, built on the ancient castle of Rinaldo, count of Celano. Numerous buildings are located on the hilltop, where the castle stood, and their external architectures and massive walls are a rare testimony of the medieval era. Near Goriano Sicoli, it is possible to admire the mountains of Ventola and Monte Urano, and the view of the mountain range of Sirente in the distance is simply breathtaking.

Goriano Sicoli: the enchanted medieval village of Abruzzo


The climate of Goriano Sicoli is quite cold and extremely rigid in winter, when temperatures can drop to -12°C. Despite being located in a position close to the Valle Peligna, the village is separated from it by the mountains of Ventola/Monte Urano from south to north, where the isobar of the Mediterranean climate passes. The climatic reference is therefore "Temperate cool", influenced by the surrounding areas and the massif of Sirente, which stands in front of Goriano Sicoli. Although rainfall is relatively infrequent, summers are hot and dry, thanks to the village's relative altitude.

Origin of the name

According to some sources, the name "Goriano" comes from the Latin term Cordianus, which means "related to the heart". The etymology of "Sicoli" could instead be traced back to the Lombard prename Sikilo.

In conclusion, Goriano Sicoli represents a unique and magical place, where history and the beauty of nature come together to create a unique atmosphere. If you have the opportunity to visit this Abruzzo location, do not miss the chance to be conquered by the charm of Goriano Sicoli.

Simone Costa
Wrote by Simone Costa
Updated Saturday, May 28, 2022