
Welcome to Gorgoglione, a small town in Basilicata!

We introduce you to Gorgoglione, a picturesque town with 858 residents located in the province of Matera, in Basilicata, Italy.


Gorgoglione is located at an altitude of around 800 meters above sea level and overlooks the Agri river valley in the central-western part of the province. Its territory is characterized by Quercus cerris forests, including the famous "Bosco Le Manche," and sandstone rocks called "pietra di Gorgoglione." It is part of the Collina Materana mountain community.

Gorgoglione, the pearl of Basilicata.


Gorgoglione has ancient origins, as evidenced by the discovery of tombs dating back to the 4th century B.C. in the locality of "Santa Maria degli Angeli." In 1060, a papal bull mentioned the parishes belonging to the Diocese of Tricarico. Later, the town passed into the hands of the Della Marra, Carafa, and Spinelli families. The town was also involved in the brigandage of 1861 when Carmine Crocco and José Borjes occupied the town without encountering resistance.

Monuments and places of interest

The Mother Church of Santa Maria Assunta is built in Romanesque and Baroque style and consists of three naves. Inside, we find a precious baptismal font, a 15th-century statue of San Rocco, and an 18th-century statue of the Madonna del Rosario, as well as a 17th-century Neapolitan goldsmith's wooden cross. The Sanctuary of the Madonna del Pergamo, a countryside church located in a panoramic position a few kilometers from the town, and the Grotta dei Briganti, where brigands used to hide during the brigandage, are also interesting tourist destinations.


The demographic evolution of the town has been constant, remaining around 858 inhabitants in recent decades.


During the summer period, the town celebrates the statue of the Madonna del Pergamo on June 11 with a procession on a flower-decorated cart from the town to the countryside sanctuary. Additionally, on June 13, the town also celebrates Sant'Antonio da Padova.

We are happy to have shared with you the beauty of Gorgoglione, a town with ancient roots and rich history. We invite you to visit and discover more!

Sofia Greco
Wrote by Sofia Greco
Updated Friday, Oct 7, 2022