
Bondeno, the fraction of Gonzaga

Hello friends, Today I will talk to you about Bondeno, a fraction of the municipality of Gonzaga, in the province of Mantua. This small town has a very ancient and fascinating history, being part of the vast possessions of Countess Matilda of Canossa.

The territorial expansion of the municipality and the war with Reggio Emilia

In 1215, the territory of Bondeno was unsuccessfully besieged by the territories of Reggio Emilia and their Cremonese allies. Five years later, the people of Reggio Emilia tried again to conquer Gonzaga, but this time Mantova called for help from Modena, who garrisoned the castle of Bondeno. The war ended in 1225 with an agreement: Gonzaga was entrusted to Mantova, Bondeno to Reggio Emilia, and Pegognaga was governed in common.

Bondeno: history, territory, and Grape Festival.

The parish church of San Tommaso Apostolo

Bondeno suffered damage due to the earthquake in Emilia in 2012, with the collapse of part of the parish church of San Tommaso Apostolo, built in the 18th century. It was a tragic event, but the community worked hard to repair the damage.

Grape Festival

One of the main attractions of Bondeno is the traditional Grape Festival, which takes place at the end of September and the beginning of October. The festival celebrates the grape harvest and visitors can taste typical products of the area, listen to live music and participate in fun games and activities.

Final notes

In summary, Bondeno is a hidden gem in the province of Mantua, with an ancient history and a unique atmosphere. Visiting this fraction of Gonzaga during the Grape Festival is an experience worth doing at least once in a lifetime. Don't forget to also visit the parish church of San Tommaso Apostolo!

Camilla Ricci
Wrote by Camilla Ricci
Updated Thursday, May 5, 2022