
A journey to discover Gonnoscodina: history, art and nature

If you are looking for a peaceful place, far from the hustle and bustle of the city, where you can breathe pure air and enjoy breathtaking views, Gonnoscodina might be the right destination for you. This Sardinian municipality, with only 433 inhabitants, is located in the province of Oristano, immersed in the ancient region of Marmilla, and offers many opportunities to discover its history, art and natural beauty of its territory.

Geography: a fertile territory between Giara and Monte Arci

The territory of Gonnoscodina extends on a hilly slope between the Giara of Gesturi, the Giara of Siddi and Monte Arci. The numerous hills and watercourses like the Rio Mogoro make this area a particularly fertile place suitable for agriculture. But not only that, Gonnoscodina is the starting point to reach unique natural places, such as the Giara of Gesturi, where you can admire the famous wild horses, the Giara of Siddi with its singular basalt rock, and the slopes of Monte Arci with its unspoiled corners and the presence of obsidian deposits.

Gonnoscodina: history, art and nature in a Sardinian municipality.

Name origins and history: a toponym that speaks of stone and hill

The name Gonnoscodina derives from its position on a hilly slope: the root "Gonnos" means "hill" while "Codina" means "stone" or "rock". From ancient times, the territory of Gonnoscodina has been inhabited, as evidenced by some Nuragic age monuments, and subsequently frequented by Roman Sardinia, from whose era a small necropolis and a deposit with coins were found in the surrounding countryside. In the Middle Ages, the village arose, belonging to the curatorship of Parte Montis in the giudicato of Arborea. In 1478, it passed under the Aragonese dominion, and was incorporated into the Incontrada dei Parte Montis. In 1603, it passed to the Centelles and subsequently to the Osorio de la Cueva. It was redeemed in 1839 with the suppression of the feudal system.

Monuments and places of interest: the charm of the historic center and the churches of Gonnoscodina

The historic center of Gonnoscodina hosts several monuments and places of interest, such as the ancient 18th-century bridge, rebuilt on the base of an ancient Roman bridge, and the churches of San Sebastiano and San Daniele. The church of San Daniele, erected in the first half of the 19th century, is located at the entrance of the village and has become the symbol of Gonnoscodina. Its central plan houses a marble altar and the surrounding park is enveloped in Mediterranean scrub. The church of San Sebastiano, on the other hand, is the main church that replaced the ancient parish church of San Bartolomeo, of which only two round arches remain.

The artisan production of Gonnoscodina: wood and ceramics

In addition to agriculture, which constitutes an important economic resource for the village, Gonnoscodina boasts an ancient artisan tradition in the processing of wood and ceramics, which today represent a particular focus by local associations that seek to promote them outside the village's borders. Wood processing is mainly focused on the production of furnishing objects, while ceramics are used to create particular objects of daily use such as the "cannas" traditionally used for wine pouring.


Gonnoscodina is a small Sardinian municipality that offers great beauty in its territory and a long history to discover. The historic center, churches and surrounding natural places make it an ideal destination for those who want to enjoy peace and tranquility, immersed in a context of unique charm. Don't miss the opportunity to visit this location if you are on holiday in Sardinia, be surprised by its beauty and its millenary history.

Irene Mariani
Wrote by Irene Mariani
Updated Tuesday, Mar 29, 2022