
Hello from Golferenzo, one of the most beautiful villages in Italy!

Golferenzo is a small town with only 175 inhabitants, located in the province of Pavia, in Lombardy. The name "Golferenzo" derives from the Oltrepadano dialect "Gulfrèns". This charming village has been included in the association of The Most Beautiful Villages in Italy and is located on the hills of Oltrepò Pavese, in the high Val Versa.

The History of Golferenzo

The first historical news about Golferenzo dates back to 1164, during the Pavia dominion of the emperor Federico Barbarossa. Probably, there was a castle with autonomous jurisdiction at that time. Subsequently, Golferenzo shared the fate of nearby Volpara and Montecalvo Versiggia. In the fourteenth century, the Beccaria possessed Montecalvo, then passing on to their extinction in 1629 to the Dal Pozzo and, later, to the Belcredi family in 1690, who held possession until the end of World War II.

Golferenzo: beauty, history and fine wines of the Oltrepò Pavese region.

The Symbols of Golferenzo

The coat of arms of Golferenzo and the banner were granted by decree of the President of the Republic on December 21, 1956. The coat of arms is inspired by the Belcredi's coat of arms, the family who was the Marquis of Golferenzo.

Monuments and Places of Interest

If you visit the historic center, you can admire the ancient lord's palace, the prisons, and the church of San Nicola, which is usually open on Sunday mornings.

The Society of Golferenzo

The demographic evolution of the city has remained stable in recent decades.

The Economy of Golferenzo

Agriculture, especially viticulture, is the main economic activity of Golferenzo. The wine of Oltrepò Pavese is produced by the vineyards of Golferenzo, known for growing pinot nero, pinot grigio, and moscato.

The Administration of Golferenzo

Golferenzo is part of the Comunità Montana Oltrepò Pavese.

Notes on Golferenzo

The history of Golferenzo has been documented thanks to the historical information passed down by the Belcredi and Varesi families, owners of the castle.

Other Projects of Golferenzo

For further information about Golferenzo and its unique beauty, visit the municipality's website.

Greetings from Golferenzo!

We invite you to visit our charming village and discover its history, beauty, and fine wines. We are proud to be part of The Most Beautiful Villages in Italy and would be happy to welcome you here in Golferenzo!

Matteo Ferrari
Updated Monday, Apr 18, 2022