Giuliano di Roma

Let's get to know Giuliano di Roma!

Hello everyone, today I will talk to you about Giuliano di Roma, a tranquil municipality in the province of Frosinone in Lazio. With its 2307 inhabitants, this small town is nestled in the natural beauty of the surrounding mountains.

Let's discover the geography of Giuliano di Roma

The historic center is located at the foot of Mount Siserno, at an altitude of 365 meters above sea level. The municipal territory consists of one third of hills and two thirds of mountains. Among the highest peaks are Colle Calvello and Monte Ravola Scrima, surrounded by limestone rocks, clay and black preta, which are typical magmatic rocks of the region.

Although there are no surface watercourses, the area is rich in springs thanks to the numerous underground streams. Among the fauna of the territory we can find foxes, wild boars, weasels, martens, hedgehogs and badgers. Among the birds stand out the booted eagle, the buzzard, the owl, the robin, the jay, the chaffinch, the blackbird and the wild pigeon.

The population of Giuliano di Roma, which once lived in the historic center, has moved over the years both in the city center and in the countryside. The historic center has maintained its medieval appearance, with narrow streets that pass under arches. There are not many buildings dating back to that period, apart from the church bell tower. The houses alternate between modest dwellings with characteristic external stairs and more elegant buildings with stone portals carved with family crests.

Giuliano di Roma: a gem among the mountains.

The climate of Giuliano di Roma

Giuliano di Roma has a climate classified as zone D, with 1822 GR/G.

The history of Giuliano di Roma

Ancient times

There are no certain data regarding the birth of Giuliano, but we know that the territory, like the whole of Lazio, has been inhabited since prehistoric times. There are few lithic remains that testify to the ancient human presence: arrowheads and worked stones difficult to date.

The hilly area and scarce in watercourses was not very suitable for the stable life of a community. It was therefore a place of passage for the ancient peoples of Lazio, who moved from the Sacco valley to the historic centers of Priverno and Terracina.

According to a legend taken from the Aeneid, Metabo, deposed king of Priverno, reached the territory of Giuliano after crossing the Amaseno river with his daughter Camilla. The legend states that he lived among the wild mountains and forests, in the company of local shepherds. In the IV century BC, the Roman occupation brought an end to this way of life.


If you happen to visit Lazio, don't forget to stop in Giuliano di Roma. You can admire breathtaking landscapes and experience the suggestive atmosphere of the historic center. If you are nature lovers, you will not be disappointed by the beauties that this municipality has to offer.

Andrea Giordano
Updated Tuesday, Feb 14, 2023