Gioia Sannitica

Welcome to Gioia Sannitica!

Hello friends! Today I'm going to talk to you about Gioia Sannitica, a commune in the province of Caserta in Campania. With its 3,270 inhabitants, Gioia is a fascinating and characteristic place, thanks to the subdivision into many scattered villages including Caselle, Curti, Criscia, Calvisi, Carattano, Auduni, and Madonna del Bagno.

The natural beauty of Gioia Sannitica

Gioia is surrounded by the mountain range of Matese and dominated by Monte Monaco di Gioia, which is 1,337 meters high and Monte Erbano, which is 1,385 meters high. The municipal territory is crossed by the main stream, Adventus, which flows into the most important river in southern Italy, the Volturno.

Samnite Joy: History, Natural Beauty, and Traditions.

The history of Gioia Sannitica

Let me tell you a bit about the history of Gioia Sannitica! According to a legend, the village was born from the temple erected in honor of the god Giano during the Sannite wars. The presence of the temple is commemorated in the municipal coat of arms. In the 12th century, Gioia is mentioned in a document of the time, the Catalogus Baronum, in which it is stated that the feudal estate was enfeoffed to the Count of Caserta Roberto di Lauro, who entrusted it to Guntardo. At the death of Roberto, the feud passed to his son Guglielmo who became the second Count of Caserta. In 1199, after the death of Guglielmo, he was succeeded by Roberto, who is the third Count of Caserta. In 1216, after Roberto's death, he was succeeded by Tommaso, the fourth Count of Caserta, who married Siffridina Borello, Lady of Melizzano and Strangolagallo. In 1223, Tommaso came into conflict with Frederick II and was arrested in 1224 and forced into exile in 1224. The County of Caserta was effectively suspended until 1231, when Tommaso de Rocca was appointed feudal lord of Gioia. Tommaso de Rocca is considered the first lord of Gioia.

What to visit in Gioia Sannitica

There is so much to see in Gioia Sannitica! One of the main tourist attractions is certainly Monte Monaco di Gioia. You can climb the mountain and enjoy a beautiful view of the surrounding regions. The hilly landscapes of Gioia are enchanting and ideal for hiking and outdoor activities. Near the village there are some ancient churches, such as Madonna del Bagno and Santa Maria degli Angeli. Don't miss the famous Roman theater of Alife, in the nearby city of Capua.

Events and traditions

Gioia Sannitica is famous for its numerous traditions and festivals. Every year, in August, the patron saint festival in honor of San Rocco is celebrated. In September, instead, there is the Festa del Pane, a traditional festival that celebrates the wheat harvest and bread production. Among other important celebrations, there are the Festa dei Santuari, the Festa della Ndocca, and the Festa della Madonna del Bagno.

Local cuisine

The local cuisine is rich in tasty and genuine dishes, thanks to the presence of high-quality local products. One of the most famous dishes is "pignatiello," a mixed meat dish cooked in a terracotta pot. The chickpea and bean soup is another highly appreciated dish. Don't miss the local cheeses, such as burrata di Gioia, buffalo mozzarella, and pecorino sannita.


In summary, Gioia Sannitica is a commune that will amaze you with its natural beauty, its history, and its traditions. I can't wait to visit Gioia again and discover even more about this beautiful location. I hope this article has made you want to visit Gioia and discover the best of this enchanting region. See you next time!

Camilla Ricci
Wrote by Camilla Ricci
Updated Sunday, Mar 13, 2022