

Hi everyone! Today I want to talk to you about Ghedi airport, an Italian military base located in Lombardy, south of the city of Brescia. It is not open to commercial traffic, but it has a long history of military importance.


If you are an aviation enthusiast, you will know that Ghedi holds an important place in Italian aviation history. In 1909, the International Air Race was organized between Ghedi and Montichiari, attended by the Wright brothers and other famous aviators, with Gabriele D'Annunzio as a reporter. Unfortunately, it is said that the first victim of flight in Italy, Enea Rossi, also occurred here. However, this news has not been confirmed by newspapers of the time, so it could just be a legend.

During World War I, Ghedi was important for the defense of Brescia and the province, and during World War II, it hosted the 2nd period pilot school for bombing and was the headquarters for air defense for the National Republican Air Force.

Ghedi Airport: military history and controversies over atomic weapons.

Ghedi base today

Today, Ghedi is used exclusively for military purposes. It is home to the 6th Wing of the Italian Air Force, with the 102nd Group "Giuseppe Cenni" (''Ducks''), the 154th Group (''Red Devils''), and the 155th Group ETS (''Panthers'') equipped with Panavia Tornado and ECR. Additionally, the site is at the center of some controversy regarding the presence of nuclear weapons.

According to the NATO nuclear-sharing program, 20-40 B61 nuclear bombs are stored at Ghedi. Some organizations have opposed the presence of these weapons and protested against them. However, the issue remains controversial and is not fully documented.


In summary, Ghedi military airport has a long and important history in Italian aviation. After being used for years in wars, the base is now a training ground for Italian Air Force pilots. We hope that the future does not bring new situations of conflict, although the presence of nuclear weapons on the site is causing concerns and controversies. It is important to have an open and honest conversation on these issues, in order to promote peace and stability in our region and the world.

Chiara Russo
Wrote by Chiara Russo
Updated Monday, Apr 4, 2022