
Discovering Gesualdo: a journey through physical and anthropic geography

If you are looking for a small Italian town rich in history, you cannot miss visiting Gesualdo. This village in the province of Avellino, in Campania, can boast a unique geographical location. The town is located in central Irpinia, between the valleys of Ansanto and Ufita, close to a ridge. The territory of the town is characterized by a strong difference in altitude, with a maximum elevation of 781 meters above sea level in the locality of Otica and a minimum elevation of 319 meters above sea level in the Fredane Stream.


Being part of the seismic district of Irpinia, Gesualdo has suffered the consequences of the 1980 Irpinia earthquake, which caused in the municipality alone 9 deaths, 40 injuries and 605 homeless people. However, this should not discourage you from visiting this picturesque village.

Gesualdo: history, nature and gastronomy in Campania.

The history of Gesualdo: from its origins to the present day

From prehistory to the Roman period

As evidenced by the discovery of remains of a settlement and a necropolis with a pit grave in the Fiumane locality, near the Fredane River, the territory of Gesualdo has been frequented since prehistoric times. The provincial museum houses some polished flint axes, exhibited under numbers 650, 651 and 652, dating back to the late Neolithic settlement (31st century BC-25th century BC). These finds testify to human presence during the Copper Age, Neolithic and Paleolithic periods. In the Gesualdo area, finds attributable to the Roman period have also been discovered, such as necropolises and villas located in the districts of San Barbato, Paolino, and Volpito.

Longobard Gesualdo: origins and knight Gesualdo

According to the historian Giacomo Catone, the castle and possessions of Gesualdo were donated in 650 AD by Romualdo I of Benevento to the heirs of the knight Gesualdo. This legendary hero sacrificed himself during the war between the Lombards and the Byzantine Empire led by Emperor Constantine II to defend his duke. However, the historians Scipione Ammirato, Giovanni Antonio Summonte, Alessandro Di Meo and others, argued that the Lombard hero, balio of the Duke Romualdo, was called Sessualdo and not Gesualdo, and did not speak of donations to the heirs.

What to visit in Gesualdo: districts and attractions

Anthropogenic geography

The municipality of Gesualdo includes two districts, Piano della Croce and Torre dei Monaci, located respectively 2.5 and 4.5 kilometers from the city center.

There are many places to visit in Gesualdo, but the main one is undoubtedly the castle of Gesualdo, located in the heart of the old town. This castle was built by Prince Carlo Gesualdo in the sixteenth century and is one of the main attractions of the municipality. Additionally, the church of San Nicola, dating back to the thirteenth century, is definitely worth a visit. Here you can admire the fresco of San Nicola, the protector of the town, and the wooden crucifix attributed to Donatello.

If you are a lover of classical music, you should not miss the Gesualdo Festival, an annual festival dedicated to ancient and Renaissance music. The festival takes place in July and August and includes concerts and special events throughout the town.

The territory of Gesualdo: nature, spirituality, and gastronomy

If you want to take a walk in nature, Gesualdo offers many opportunities. You can visit the Partenio National Park, which extends between the municipalities of Gesualdo, Avellino, Montefalcione, Nusco, and Summonte. Alternatively, you can take a walk along the natural trail Gole del Calore, where you can admire the beauties of the Calore River valley.

If you are looking for a moment of spirituality, you can visit the Sanctuary of the Madonna del Carmine, located in the district of Piano della Croce. The sanctuary dates back to the sixteenth century and is a very important place of worship for the Gesualdo people.

Regarding gastronomy, the municipality of Gesualdo offers many local specialties, including the Sausage of Gesualdo, the Bread of Gesualdo, and the Chestnuts of Gesualdo. Additionally, the municipality is known for the production of high-quality wines, including Taurasi DOCG, and Greco di Tufo DOCG.

In conclusion, Gesualdo is an Italian municipality rich in history, nature, spirituality, and good cuisine. If you are looking for a quiet place to relax, away from the chaos of the city, Gesualdo is the perfect choice for you.

Francesco Serra
Updated Wednesday, May 4, 2022