
Welcome to Genivolta, the Lombard town with a surprising historical and artistic heritage

Located in the Province of Cremona, Genivolta is an Italian town that blends tradition with modernity. With a population of 1116 inhabitants, the town is rich in monuments and places of interest, making it a perfect destination for a relaxing visit.

Monuments and places of interest

The architectural symbol of Genivolta is the Church of San Lorenzo Martire, dating back to the 19th century. The church was built using red bricks and features a beautiful bell tower.

Genivolta: between tradition and modernity, an astonishing heritage.



Every year, during the Autumn Festival of the Municipality of Genivolta, which takes place on the fourth Sunday of October, the "Comune di Genivolta" painting competition is organized. Over one hundred artists of different styles and techniques participate in the competition.

Demographic evolution

Over the years, the population of Genivolta has grown steadily. As of December 31, 2020, the town has 138 foreign citizens residing there.

Ethnic groups and foreign minorities

The two national communities most represented in Genivolta are India (59) and Egypt (24).

Infrastructure and transport


Genivolta is crossed by the former State Road 498 Soncinese and the provincial roads CR SP25 Cumignano sul Naviglio-Bordolano and CR SP84 "di Pizzighettone".


The Genivolta station, active until 1956, was located along the Cremona-Iseo railway.


The municipality of Genivolta is governed by a mayor elected by the town's residents. From 1946 to the present day, five mayors have succeeded each other in leading the municipality.

Other administrative information

Genivolta is part of the Lombarda Soresinese Union, together with Annicco, Azzanello, Casalmorano, Castelvisconti, and Paderno Ponchielli.


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The territory of Genivolta is also rich in natural reserves, such as the Parco Oglio Nord, the Riserva naturale Bosco della Marisca, the Naviglio Civico di Cremona, the Canale Vacchelli and le Tombe Morte, while the eco-museum of the territory is located right in this area.

Other projects

For more information about Genivolta, visit the official website of the town. You will be welcomed with open arms by the local community.

Erica Ferrari
Wrote by Erica Ferrari
Updated Saturday, Jan 22, 2022