
Welcome to Genazzano: a picturesque Italian town

If you are looking for an authentic and picturesque experience, the town of Genazzano is the right place for you. Located between the provinces of Rome and Frosinone in Lazio, this town has a population of approximately 5,652 people. In this article, we will talk about the geography, climate, history, and symbols of Genazzano to give you a better understanding of this fascinating place.

Genazzano: A picturesque town between Rome and Frosinone.

Physical Geography


One of the most fascinating aspects of Genazzano is its territory. This town is located on a narrow spur of volcanic tuff that extends into the valley of the Sacco River. The platform on which the settlement is built rises from 15 meters above sea level in the valley to around 388 meters, at the bridge that connects the castle to the communal park.

The surrounding area is characterized by steep and rocky terrain, making it an ideal place for hiking or biking. In addition, near the town is a hill called Colle Pizzuto (445 m) where the Selva di Genazzano can be found. The sports field in Genazzano is called "Campo Comunale Le Rose". The rivers that flow through Genazzano are the Fosso Ciaffo, the Ceraso, the Rio, and the Sacco.


The climate in Genazzano is classified as zone D, 1886 GR/G. Therefore, hot and dry summers and cold and humid winters can be expected.


Genazzano is a town with a long and rich history. Even in ancient Rome times, this place was a holiday destination for the Gens Genucia, Gens Antonina, and Gens Iulia. In the 11th century, the village was established as a historical fief of the Colonna family, who controlled the passage to Naples and Rome from the Baronial Palace, commonly known as the "Castle Colonna".

One of the most well-known figures in Genazzano is Pope Martin V, born Ottone (or Oddone) Colonna, who ruled the Catholic Church from 1417 to 1431. Another important historical figure is Giovanni Bracalone de Carlonibus, known as Brancaleone, one of the knights involved in the Barletta Challenge of 1503.


The coat of arms of Genazzano was created in honor of the Barletta Challenge, in which Giovanni Brancaleone represented the town of Genazzano. The coat of arms features thirteen white and thirteen blue triangles, one for each knight who participated in the challenge, and represents the victory of the Italians over the French. Every year in Genazzano, the Barletta Challenge is staged in honor of Brancaleone.

The banner of Genazzano is a cloth divided in azure and white.


We hope this article has helped you to better understand the town of Genazzano and has convinced you to visit it. Whether you are passionate about nature, history, or simply looking for a quiet place to relax, Genazzano will not disappoint you. Come and discover this hidden gem in the heart of Lazio!

Martina Moretti
Updated Sunday, Feb 6, 2022