
Gazzuolo: where history and nature blend together

If you are looking for a place where history and nature meet, Gazzuolo is the perfect destination for you. This municipality in Lombardy, with its approximately 2000 inhabitants, is located in the province of Mantua and is part of the Union of Lombard Terre d'Oglio.

Origins of the name

Gazzuolo owes its name to the Lombard term "gahangi", which means "uncultivated land".

Gazzuolo: history and nature in Lombardy


Gazzuolo was ruled by the Gonzaga family, one of the most important Italian aristocratic families, since 1393 when the inhabitants of Gazzuolo signed a pledge of loyalty to them. After the death of Gianfrancesco Gonzaga, the municipality passed down to his son Carlo, who was later succeeded by his brother Ludovico III.

It was under the rule of Gianfrancesco Gonzaga (1446-1496) that Gazzuolo reached the height of its importance. The Castello di Gazzuolo, surrounded by a moat, was built here and became the residence of the lord of the city. The castle also hosted some of the greatest intellectuals of the time, including Matteo Bandello, Ludovico Ariosto and Baldassarre Castiglione. This is where the Gonzaga branch of Sabbioneta and Bozzolo originated.

Monuments and places of interest

Gazzuolo is rich in monuments and places of interest. For example, the Castello di Gazzuolo, which hosted important figures, or the Portici Gonzagheschi, where you can stroll and admire the beautiful panorama.

The Palazzo Gonzaga, once the residence of the nobles who ruled the city, is certainly worth a visit, as well as the Church of Santa Maria Nascente, dating back to the seventeenth century and dedicated to the Virgin Mary. Inside the church, you can admire various works of art, including paintings and statues.

The Church of San Rocco, dating back to the seventeenth century, is very important for the municipality, as it is dedicated to San Rocco, the patron saint of the city. The Oratory of San Pietro, located in Belforte, was frequented almost a thousand years ago by the monks who lived in the nearby hermitage.


The population of Gazzuolo is constantly growing, currently reaching about 2000 inhabitants. In recent years, the municipality has seen an increase in both births and arrivals of new inhabitants.

Infrastructure and transport

Thanks to the state road 420 Sabbionetana, Gazzuolo is very well connected to the rest of the territory. The municipality is also served by the bus service performed by APAM, which connects Gazzuolo to Mantua. From 1886 to 1933, there was also a station along the Mantua-Viadana tramway.


Currently, Gazzuolo is part of the Union of Lombard Terre d'Oglio, together with the municipalities of Commessaggio and San Martino dall'Argine.


Gazzuolo is a small city that offers a lot to visitors, thanks to its history and its proximity to nature. The city of Gazzuolo is highly appreciated for its architecture and its scenic beauty. If you decide to visit Gazzuolo, you will not be disappointed!

Camilla Ricci
Wrote by Camilla Ricci
Updated Thursday, Nov 17, 2022