Gazzada Schianno
Welcome to Gazzada Schianno!
Hello everyone! Today I will talk to you about Gazzada Schianno, an Italian commune located in Lombardy. With its 4,526 inhabitants, Gazzada Schianno was born in 1927 from the union of the two previous autonomous communes of Gazzada and Schianno. It is made up of different localities and hamlets, including Gazzada, Schianno, Campagnola, Vigano, Lucchi, Piana di Luco, La Campagnola, Viganò and Roccolo.
Gazzada and Schianno have a very ancient history, dating back to the feudal era. Gazzada was part of the Val Bossa fiefdom, whose lords were the Bossi. The same goes for Schianno, which was included in the fiefdom of the upper Fraccia of Varese. Over the centuries, the two communes have undergone various vicissitudes, but have managed to maintain their identity until the merger in 1927.

The municipal coat of arms of Gazzada Schianno is truly beautiful and has an interesting history. It was designed in 1913 by the architect Fausto Bagatti Valsecchi and represents a lion crossing a field divided in half between gold and blue. For many years, the coat of arms was never formally approved, but finally in 2014 it obtained the approval of the President of the Republic. The municipal flag is a red drape.
Monuments and places of interest
If you decide to visit Gazzada Schianno, you cannot miss its monuments and places of interest.
Religious architecture
Gazzada Schianno can boast numerous churches of great beauty. The Church of Santa Croce in Gazzada and the Church of San Giorgio Martire in Schianno are two examples of very particular religious architecture. The Church of Santa Maria Assunta and Immacolata in Gazzada and the Church of Santa Maria Assunta in Schianno are beautiful, while the Church of Saints Cosma and Damiano in Schianno is known for its mighty bell tower.
Civil architecture
Among the civil architecture of Gazzada Schianno, Villa Cagnola deserves to be mentioned first. Located in a panoramic position on Lake Varese, Villa Cagnola is a monumental complex from the seventeenth century. The villa was completed in 1745, the year in which a visit by the Archbishop of Milan Giuseppe Pozzobonelli to Gabrio Fratelli Perabò, then owner of the residence, was documented.
In conclusion, Gazzada Schianno is an Italian commune that deserves to be discovered. With its ancient history and its monuments and places of interest, it is an ideal destination for those who want to spend a different day. I hope that this summary has been useful to you and that you can visit Gazzada Schianno soon!