
Welcome to Gavoi: A Story of the Geographic and Historical Aspects of this Sardinian Municipality

Welcome to Gavoi! It is a municipality located in the province of Nuoro, in Sardinia, with a population of around 2470 inhabitants. Gavoi is located in the heart of the Barbagia di Ollolai, in an ideal position between Nuoro and the Gennargentu massif. The area has numerous forests and watercourses, and the territory is characterized by the presence of several archaeological sites dating back to the Nuragic and Roman periods. In this article, we will explore the geography and history of Gavoi.

Physical Geography

Gavoi is located on the southeastern side of a hill called "Monte 'e su Sennore." The hill is faced by the mountains of Pisanu Mele, and near the municipality is the artificial lake of Gusana, which is an important hydroelectric basin and a popular tourist destination. Gavoi is surrounded by breathtaking natural beauty, making it an ideal place for hiking and nature lovers.

Gavoi: history and geography of a Sardinian municipality.


Prehistory and Ancient History

Gavoi is a town with a long history. Human presence in the area dates back to the Neolithic era, as evidenced by the menhir of Sa Perda Longa and the Domus de Janas of Uniai and Istelathe. During the Bronze Age, the Nuragic civilization built numerous nuraghi and tombs of giants in Gavoi.

Middle Ages and Aragonese period

In the Middle Ages, Gavoi was part of the Giudicato of Arborea. In the fourteenth century, the village paid tithes to the courts of Rome, as recorded in the lists of Sardinian settlements. During this period, Gavoi was ruled by Bernardu Lepore, the delegate of the Barbagia di Ollolai and the curatoria of Austis. In 1388, Lepore was one of the signatories of the peace treaty between the Giudicessa Eleonora d'Arborea and Giovanni I of Aragon.

Between 1401 and 1504, the town underwent important jurisdictional transformations. In 1504, it became a fiefdom of Pietro Carroz d'Arborea. During this period, the church of Sant'Antioco was built.

Modern age

In 1604, the town was annexed to the Duchy of Mandas. In the eighteenth century, Gavoi became famous for the production of extemporaneous Sardinian poetry, which attracted the attention of artists from all over the island. During the century, the town suffered numerous plagues, which severely affected the local population.

Nineteenth and Twentieth centuries

In the nineteenth century, the area around Gavoi was chosen by General Alessandro Lamarmora for the construction of an artificial reservoir, Lake Gusana, intended for the storage of drinking water, mainly from the Taloro river.


Gavoi is a charming Sardinian municipality, surrounded by forests and watercourses. Its location in the heart of the Barbagia di Ollolai makes it an ideal starting point for excursions into the surrounding nature. The city also has a rich history, with traces of human settlements dating back to the Neolithic period and a Roman and Nuragic presence in the area. Sardinian oral tradition also has roots in Gavoi, where extemporaneous poetry was highly appreciated in the eighteenth century. The municipality has faced numerous plagues throughout its history, but has always recovered and continues to be a welcoming and vital place for the local community and visitors who choose it as a destination.

Veronica Vitale
Updated Tuesday, Mar 8, 2022