
Greetings and Introduction

Hello friends, today I'll talk to you about a beautiful town in the province of Brescia: Gavardo. This village has a very interesting history and a territory to discover, so get ready for a journey between fact and legend.

Gavardo: history and territory of Valle Sabbia.

Physical Geography


Gavardo is located in the lower Valle Sabbia and is the most populous town in the area compared to Brescia. It is mainly hilly, but there are also some mountains surrounding it, such as Monte Budellone and Colle di San Martino to the southwest, Tre Cornelli to the west, Monte Magno to the north and the hills towards Muscoline and Lake Garda. The town is crossed by the Chiese River, the Naviglio Grande Bresciano - which was used by Benedictine monks to power mills - and the Vrenda stream.


The climate of Gavardo is similar to that of the pre-Alpine area, with cold winters and hot, stuffy summers. The rainfall is frequent and abundant, with snow in the winter months. Despite its proximity to Lake Garda, the town does not benefit from it due to the morainic hills surrounding it.


The name Gavardo derives from the ancient Celtic root meaning "river". In the Middle Ages, the town was a bishop's fiefdom, becoming a territory of the Serenissima from 1440 to 1797. In 1526, it underwent the passage of Georg von Frundsberg's Landsknechts and two years later by the Germans, while in 1576 there was a plague epidemic that spared nearby areas like Vallio, thanks to its more ventilated position.

In 1689, there was a flood of the Chiese River that caused flooding throughout the valley. In 1928, the municipalities of Sopraponte and Soprazocco were merged with Gavardo, becoming fractions. During the fascist period, new infrastructures such as sewers and roads were built.

World War II and the Post-War Period

During World War II, 54 Gavardesi were dispersed. After the war, the town developed thanks to industry and agriculture, becoming an important commercial and industrial center of Valle Sabbia.


Here is the history and geography of Gavardo, a charming town. If you have the opportunity to visit this area of Lombardy, don't miss it!

Chiara Russo
Wrote by Chiara Russo
Updated Friday, Feb 18, 2022