
Welcome to Taneto: Introduction to the Village of Gattatico

Hello everyone! Today I'm going to tell you about a small village located in the countryside of Reggio Emilia: Taneto. This location is part of the Gattatico municipality and is only 3.1 kilometers away from the town center. The area surrounding Taneto is characterized by large cultivated fields, with the presence of the Enza river marking the border between the province of Reggio Emilia and that of Parma. The name Taneto derives from an ancient Roman municipality called "Tannetum," which today is identified with Sant'Ilario d'Enza or with Taneto itself.

The History of Taneto

Taneto di Gattatico: history, nature, and tradition.

Taneto has a very ancient history, and its presence is documented since Roman times. Sources such as Pliny the Elder, Polybius, and Livy attest to the presence of the "Tannetani" already in the 3rd century BC. During the foundation phases of the colonies of Placentia and Cremona, the triumvirs in charge of the deduction were forced to stop in Tannetum due to a Gallic insurrection. Over the centuries, the center lost importance until it became a simple village and finally disappeared altogether. Today its location is still partly the subject of studies and discussions.

The Location of Tannetum: Sant'Ilario or Taneto?

If you are interested in ancient history and archaeology, you have probably heard of the controversies surrounding the location of the Roman municipality of Tannetum. Some scholars have claimed that it corresponds to the town of Sant'Ilario d'Enza, while others believe that it is more likely to be identified with Taneto itself. Both theories have their supporters and some evidence in favor, but nothing has yet been conclusively proven. In any case, the evidence of Roman presence is found both in Sant'Ilario and in Taneto, such as the remains of imperial-era dwellings or the section of paved road found under the Via Emilia.

What to See in Taneto

Turning now to the tourist attractions of Taneto, the village offers visitors the opportunity to walk in nature, discover the beauties of the Reggio Emilia countryside, and breathe a peaceful atmosphere. The area is particularly striking during the spring, when fields of poppies bloom, or in autumn, when you can witness the harvest of apples and pears. In Taneto, you can also visit the church of San Giovanni Battista, a sacred building dating back to the 12th century, which houses an elegant marble altar and a stone baptismal font. Finally, for lovers of good food, it is worth visiting the La Botte Dairy, where you can buy high-quality local products.

How to Reach Taneto

Taneto is easily reachable by car: thanks to the "Terre di Canossa - Campegine" motorway exit on the A1 motorway, you can reach the village in just a few minutes. For those traveling by public transport, the Arfea bus service connects Gattatico to Parma and Reggio Emilia. Alternatively, you can use the Reggio Emilia-Guastalla railway line and get off at the Frassinara-Taneto station, which is only a few minutes' walk from the village.


And so concludes my story about Taneto and its fascinating history. I hope I have piqued your interest enough to make you want to visit this small village, away from the chaos of the city but rich in traditions and natural beauties. If you have comments or questions, don't hesitate to write them down below: I will be happy to answer them!

Chiara Russo
Wrote by Chiara Russo
Updated Thursday, Dec 8, 2022