Garniga Terme

Discovering Garniga Terme: between history, nature, and hot springs

Hello friends, today I will talk to you about Garniga Terme, a small municipality in Trentino that is located on Mount Bondone at an altitude of 800 meters. With its 390 inhabitants, it is a quiet and picturesque place where you can enjoy the beauty of nature and the fresh mountain air.

The history of Garniga Terme

The name Garniga is difficult to interpret, but one of the most accredited theories derives it from the German word "gar nichts," which means "nothing at all." Around the end of the 12th century or the beginning of the 13th century, German miners arrived in Garniga to survey the land and check for exploitable mines. However, their mission was unsuccessful, and the area was considered uninhabitable, hence the name "Gar nichts," which later became Garniga. Despite this, the German settlers stayed and dedicated themselves to agriculture, livestock breeding, hunting, and producing quicklime and firewood.

Over the centuries, Garniga Terme underwent significant developments and changes, starting from its economy based mainly on the sale of wood and coal production. The life of the town was significantly influenced by the presence of a small German linguistic island and the lack of a drivable road until 1956.

Garniga Terme: nature, history and thermal baths.

Monuments and places of interest

Garniga Terme offers many interesting places to visit. Among these is the Church of Sant'Osvaldo, former parish church, which since 1940 has become a cemetery church. The municipality's coat of arms is divided into three partitions, each with its own meaning: ancient Garniga, the sky with the sun and the Bondone, and the blooming arnica plant.

The hot springs of Garniga

But the real highlight of Garniga Terme is the hot springs, which used to be carried out in fermenting grass and reached temperatures around 55-60°C. This type of treatment was highly appreciated for its therapeutic properties against rheumatism, sciatica, and other similar pathologies. Today, the hot spring offer is different but equally effective in ensuring the psychophysical well-being of visitors.


Garniga Terme is a small municipality with great natural and cultural beauties. With its ancient history and monuments, it can provide visitors with intense emotions. The presence of the hot springs makes this place even more special and unique, perfect for those who love to take care of themselves and relax in nature. Do not hesitate to visit Garniga Terme if you are looking for an authentic place to spend your vacation or simply for a quick getaway.

Luca Bianchi
Wrote by Luca Bianchi
Updated Monday, Jan 2, 2023