
Hello everyone, today we will talk about Olginate

Hey friends, today I want to tell you about a small municipality in Lombardy called Olginate. With its just over 7,000 inhabitants, this town located in the province of Lecco is a true gem of the region.

Physical geography

Olginate is located at the base of the Lombard Prealps and enjoys a unique position thanks to the natural borders offered by the Lake of Olginate and the Adda River. The territory is characterized by a varied morphology: there are mountainous areas in the north-western and southern parts of the town, together with hilly and flat areas closer to the water courses, such as the Aspide and Greghentino streams, which flow within the municipal territory.

Olginate: history, nature and treasures in Lombardy.

Origins of the name

Regarding the name of Olginate, there are different versions. According to some sources, it could derive from the Germanic term "aucia" which means "land of water". Others, however, refer to a hypothetical Gothic leader named Olgina.


The first evidence of settlements dates back to the 3rd-4th century AD, but the town developed mainly during the Middle Ages. At that time, Olginate was on the route of the main communication routes in the area: the Spluga Way, a Roman road that connected Milan to the Spluga Pass, and the Bergomum-Comum Way which connected Bergamo with Como. Here, a watchtower was also built which is now located in Piazza Garibaldi. At that time, the town was under the dominion of the Visconti and then the Sforza, lords of the Duchy of Milan, and had to defend itself from the incursions of neighboring territories, especially the Republic of Venice.

During the seventeenth century, Olginate underwent Spanish domination and several epidemics that led to the economic decline of the town. The recovery came with the passage of the territories under the Austrians at the beginning of the eighteenth century, which led to the establishment of industries for the processing of silk, a sector that remained active until the twentieth century. However, the economy based on the river gradually ran out, from the moment of the removal of the border in 1797 to the construction of the bridge over the Adda in 1911.

The heritage of Olginate

Olginate is a very particular town, where history blends perfectly with nature. Those who come here cannot help but admire the beauty of the territory. Leafing through the pages of its history, we discover that the municipality was chosen as one of the strategic points in the reorganization of the Diocese of Milan wanted by Carlo Borromeo in the sixteenth century. Today, Olginate preserves several testimonies of its past: it is possible to visit the Garibaldi Tower, where some industrial archaeology objects are preserved; the Sanctuary of the Madonna del Boschetto, located on a panoramic hill; the Church of San Vito and Modesto, built around the year 1000 and renovated over the centuries.

The Adda Nord Park

Finally, we cannot talk about Olginate without mentioning the Adda Nord Park, which includes it in its territory. This protected natural area is a real green oasis that extends for over 30 kilometers along the right bank of the Adda, between the provinces of Lecco and Bergamo. Here it is possible to take long walks, practice outdoor sports, admire the fauna and flora of the territory and, above all, enjoy breathtaking views. In the Park, there are several equipped areas for picnics and barbecues, but also restaurants and farms where you can taste local specialties.


As you can see, Olginate is a municipality rich in treasures, which tell a long and interesting history. Between nature, art, culture, and traditions, there is always something to discover and appreciate here, especially if you are looking for some peace and serenity away from the chaos of the city. In short, if you are planning a visit to Lombardy, do not forget to stop by Olginate: you will fall in love with this little gem.

Chiara Russo
Wrote by Chiara Russo
Updated Tuesday, Jun 28, 2022