Gardone Riviera

Welcome to Gardone Riviera!

Hello friends, today I want to talk to you about a beautiful location on Lake Garda: Gardone Riviera. This small town in the province of Brescia extends over an area ranging from 65m a.s.l to 1,100m a.s.l and is home to around 2,631 inhabitants.

Physical geography

Gardone Riviera: Between History, Art and Enchanting Landscapes.


Gardone Riviera is located on the Brescia side (i.e. the western side) of Lake Garda and is an integral part of the Regional Park of the Alto Garda Bresciano. Being located on the lake, it enjoys a mild climate that allows for the cultivation of Mediterranean plants such as olive and citrus trees.


This particular geographical location, combined with the absence of cold winds, means that Gardone is rich in exotic plants such as palms, bananas, agaves, as well as centuries-old camphor and caper trees that grow on south-facing walls.


Gardone Riviera has a very ancient history, dating back to the Bronze Age, as demonstrated by recent archaeological excavations. In the Middle Ages, Gardone was a Lombard territory and it is said that its origin may derive from the term warda, meaning fortress or military garrison. Following the invasions of the Hungarians in the 10th century, a fortress-castle was erected in the area of Contrada; a rest of the bastion is still present in the Torricella road. The first document mentioning Gardone dates back to 958.

Historical overview

But the true symbol of Gardone Riviera is the Vittoriale degli Italiani, that is the residence of Gabriele D'Annunzio which became the property of the Italian State in 1931. The Vittoriale is one of the major tourist attractions of Gardone and welcomes around 210,000 visitors each year. It is a unique and evocative space, containing a house-museum, an open-air theatre, a votive temple, a library, and an art gallery.

The house-museum is described by its imposing facade, on whose side is the Vittoriale Bay. The house consists of a staircase leading to the salons, whose walls are decorated with contemporary and modern art paintings, photographs, and other objects. The audience room, where the poet received visitors, is located in the oldest part of the building and preserves many personal objects of D'Annunzio, such as furniture, sculptures, paintings, and busts.

The open-air theatre, called "Gran anfiteatro del Vittoriale", has a capacity of about 1,400 spectators and over the years has hosted countless cultural and musical events.

D'Annunzio's votive temple is a place of great spirituality, located inside an ornamental lawn with a breathtaking view of Lake Garda. The construction of the temple began in 1923 and was completed in 1929.

The library is a very important part of the Vittoriale; it contains numerous texts by D'Annunzio, books on art history, literature, philosophy, and history in general.

The Vittoriale's art gallery displays a collection of modern and contemporary art. Inside, you can admire works by great artists such as De Pisis, Modigliani, Morandi, Balla, Guttuso, and many others.

Central European characteristics

Gardone Riviera is a very popular tourist destination thanks to its unspoiled beauty and architecture, which recalls the typical Central European style. Along its streets, there are many Liberty-style houses, with large gardens and many exotic plants.


In short, Gardone Riviera is a small jewel nestled between the mountains and Lake Garda, one of the most popular tourist destinations not only in Lombardy, but throughout Italy. The presence of the Vittoriale degli Italiani, together with the natural beauty of the place, make it an unmissable attraction for anyone who wants to visit this area. But Gardone Riviera is much more than that: it is a small, welcoming, and authentic community that lives in tradition and values its territory. Come and visit us and discover all the wonders that this location has to offer!

Chiara Russo
Wrote by Chiara Russo
Updated Monday, Apr 25, 2022